JdeRobot4Android / AndroidCameraServer

JdeRobot component (cameraserver like) for Android devices
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IMPORTANT: Refactoring file structure to prepare for merge to jderobot #24

Open ojgarciab opened 9 years ago

ojgarciab commented 9 years ago

It's important to merge tests that all project files are on GIT root directory.

This will allow us to test integration with jderobot project before merge.

Test environment will created on this way:

cd ~JDEROBOT/src/stable/components
git clone https://github.com/JdeRobot4Android/AndroidCameraServer.git

Now we will have a directory called "AndroidCameraServer" with the code inside it and not a directory called "AndroidCameraServer" with another directory inside it called again "AndroidCameraServer".

Next step before merge is allow cmake to generate paths to Ice.jar library and ICE interfaces.

PS: This is a milestone 2.0 feature, so first we need to do a stable 1.0 release (jderobot 5.4 compatible) and later do 2.0 release (jderobot development branch compatible) before merge this project.