JeCase / LoadElectricity_Forecasting_CNN-BiLSTM-Attention

Performed comparative analysis of BiLSTM, CNN-BiLSTM and CNN-BiLSTM with attention models for forecasting cases.
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有部分代码不懂什么意思 #1

Open xq17307331726 opened 3 months ago

xq17307331726 commented 3 months ago


Load the trained model

model = load_model('/content/drive/MyDrive/Model/CNN-BiLSTM-Attention_Model_Final.h5', custom_objects={"cc": cc, "Attention": Attention})

Load the history object

with open('/content/drive/MyDrive/Model/CNN-BiLSTM-Attention_history_Final.pkl', 'rb') as f: history = pickle.load(f)

JeCase commented 3 months ago

This code loads a pre-trained Keras model from a file located at '/content/drive/MyDrive/Model/CNN-BiLSTM-Attention_Model_Final.h5'.

The 'cc' function likely refers to a custom correlation coefficient function used as a metric during model training. The 'Attention' layer is a custom attention mechanism layer that may have been implemented as part of the model architecture.

Overall, this line of code loads a pre-trained Keras model along with any required custom objects, allowing you to use the model for predictions or further training.

Source :

xq17307331726 commented 3 months ago

请问model = load_model('/content/drive/MyDrive/Model/CNN-BiLSTM-Attention_Model_Final.h5', custom_objects={"cc": cc, "Attention": Attention})这一行是指加载你在google中保存下来的模型吗?礼貌问,请问可以分享trained model和history object吗?

lrflry commented 1 month ago

m = Prophet() future = m.make_future_dataframe(periods=n_steps, freq='30 min', include_history=False) 你好,我在执行上面代码时出现报错AttributeError: 'Prophet' object has no attribute 'stan_backend',是prophet库和pystan的版本问题吗?恳求解答