Jean-Tinland / simple-bar

A yabai status bar widget for Übersicht
MIT License
1.19k stars 127 forks source link

Icon Requests Tracker Issue #189

Open kvndrsslr opened 3 years ago

kvndrsslr commented 3 years ago

Current Icon Tracker

Icon Contribution Guideline

(Originally posted by @Jean-Tinland in

For each icon I'm following these steps:

  1. I'm getting the original icon or, if not in a vector format I'm redrawing it in Figma. No need to be extremely precise as it is displayed in a really small size)
  2. I'm setting the new icon in a 24x24 viewbox
  3. Then I'm optimising it using SVGOMG
  4. Finally I'm adding it to the icons.jsx file in order to make the association in app-icons.js
d-miketa commented 3 years ago

Preview? :)

kvndrsslr commented 3 years ago

Feel free to add my fork as a git-remote and checkout my main branch for preview!

d-miketa commented 3 years ago

Signal and Preview (standard PDF icon) in

kvndrsslr commented 3 years ago

Oh, you meant the app Preview! Thought you wanted to preview the new icons.😅

MiuKaShi commented 3 years ago

how about these applications

kvndrsslr commented 3 years ago

I'll add them to the list. Pretty busy with work atm, so my progress is bound to be slow. Feel free to contribute, I will insert the workflow as described by @Jean-Tinland in the first post. I found the workflow is easy to follow and once I figured out how to use figma I got pretty fast at it.

d-miketa commented 3 years ago

Signal/Zotero/Preview in

SijanC147 commented 3 years ago

hey, great work on the recent updates, really looking forward to custom widgets :D

Can we get the vscode icon linked to vscode insiders as well?

I'd assume VSCodium would be a similar situation too, not sure if that's handled, just thought i'd mention it.

thefudgeishot commented 3 years ago

Just wondering if we could add a few more icons such as: Vivaldi Atom Folx Xcode

Jean-Tinland commented 3 years ago

I added these 4 to the list!

m-k-S commented 2 years ago

I am wondering if there's any way to adjust the size of the icons in the bar?

bbamnesia commented 2 years ago

Can we please get system preferences in here too please

Jean-Tinland commented 2 years ago

I added a gear icon for System preferences app in my latest commit!

bbamnesia commented 2 years ago

Thank you! Can we please get the News icon as well please

ArnstadFredrik commented 2 years ago

would it be possible to assign icons to certain apps?. for example a calendar icon for a different, or non-standard calendar app. Or Apple preview which for me (on a Norwegian system) gets the default icon.

ninjaguppy commented 2 years ago

I'd love an Omnifocus icon!

Tnixc commented 2 years ago

I've made and added some of the mentioned icons on the current icon tracker and it works for me. Also, sublime text has already been implemented. SCR-20220411-kmd

diocletiann commented 2 years ago

Awesome work, love this bar. An email icon for would be nice, thanks!

occludedpixel commented 2 years ago

I am wondering if there's any way to adjust the size of the icons in the bar?

@m-k-S I managed to do it by making adjustments to the css for the space__icon class in lib/styles/components/spaces/space.js.

.space__icon {
  flex: 0 0 16px;
  width: 16px;
  height: 11px;
  margin-left: 6px;
  fill: currentColor;
  opacity: 0.5;
  transform: matrix(1.5, 0, 0, 1.5, 0, 0);

After scaling the icons using a transformation matrix, I tweaked width and flex to correct the horizontal spacing.

mrala commented 2 years ago

Could you please add icons for:

I took a stab at creating them but don't know if they are up to your standards. Would you prefer that I open a pull request?

export const GoodNotes = (props) => (
  <Icon {...props}>
    <path d="M6.375 5.625h8.25a.375.375 0 000-.75h-8.25a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0M6.375 7.875h8.25a.375.375 0 000-.75h-8.25a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0M6.375 10.125h8.25a.375.375 0 000-.75h-8.25a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0M6.375 12.375h8.25a.375.375 0 000-.75h-8.25a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0M6.375 14.625h3a.375.375 0 000-.75h-3a.375.375 0 000 .75zm0 0"/>
    <path d="M21.195 9.61a1.131 1.131 0 00-1.543.402l-.902 1.543V2.25a.375.375 0 00-.375-.375h-2.844S14.402.727 14.36.765A.353.353 0 0014.25.75H3.375A.375.375 0 003 1.125v1.172a1.5 1.5 0 000 2.906v.844a1.5 1.5 0 000 2.906v.844a1.5 1.5 0 000 2.906v.469a1.5 1.5 0 000 2.906v2.297c0 .207.168.375.375.375h.375v1.125c0 .207.168.375.375.375h9.531l-.258.438a.365.365 0 00-.046.128v.004l-.004.008-.297 1.992c-. 0 00.417-.028l1.598-1.238c.102-.082.152-.13.145-.196l.87-1.488h2.114a.375.375 0 00.375-.375v-3.871l2.844-4.856a1.123 1.123 0 00-.399-1.539zm-.664.609c.145-.04.301.015.395.136a.38.38 0 01.023.415l-.191.324-.645-.38.188-.323a.367.367 0 01.23-.172zm-5.648 10.906l-.649-.379 4.93-8.414.648.379zm-.258-19.094l1.344 1.344h-1.344zm4.918 9.653l.191-.32.645.378-.188.32zM18 2.625V12.75c0 . 1.29V3.75a.379.379 0 00-.11-.266l-.859-.859zM3.75 1.5h10.125v2.25c0 .207.168.375.375.375h2.25v11.27L14.973 18H3.75v-1.922c.527-.137.941-.55 1.078-1.078a.375.375 0 00-.727-.188.736.736 0 01-.351.461v-2.57c.527-.137.941-.55 1.078-1.078a.375.375 0 00-.727-.188.736.736 0 01-.351.461V8.953c.527-.137.941-.55 1.078-1.078a.375.375 0 00-.727-.188.736.736 0 01-.351.461V5.203c.527-.137.941-.55 1.078-1.078a.375.375 0 00-.727-.188.736.736 0 01-.351.461zM2.625 3.75c0-.27.145-.516.375-.648v1.296a.748.748 0 01-.375-.648zm0 3.75c0-.27.145-.516.375-.648v1.296a.748.748 0 01-.375-.648zm0 3.75c0-.27.145-.516.375-.648v1.296a.748.748 0 01-.375-.648zm0 3.375c0-.27.145-.516.375-.648v1.296a.748.748 0 01-.375-.648zM4.5 19.5v-.75h10.035l-.441.75zm9.508 1.98l.34.2-.418.324zM18 19.5h-1.297L18 17.285zm0 0"/>

export const Quip = (props) => (
  <Icon {...props}>
    <path d="M21 21.75h-9A9.748 9.748 0 012.25 12 9.748 9.748 0 0112 2.25 9.748 9.748 0 0121.75 12v9a.75.75 0 01-.75.75zm-9-18A8.252 8.252 0 003.75 12 8.252 8.252 0 0012 20.25h8.25V12A8.252 8.252 0 0012 3.75zm0 0"/>
    <path d="M15.375 9.375h-6.75a.75.75 0 010-1.5h6.75a.75.75 0 010 1.5zm0 0M15.375 16.125h-6.75a.75.75 0 010-1.5h6.75a.75.75 0 010 1.5zm0 0M17.625 12.75H6.375a.75.75 0 010-1.5h11.25a.75.75 0 010 1.5zm0 0"/>

export const Screens4 = (props) => (
  <Icon {...props}>
      d="M8.094 1.316a1.685 1.685 0 00-1.395 1.239l-.074.28-.348.032c-1.086.102-2.074.946-2.226 1.899l-.031.199-.262.031c-1.7.2-2.957 1.27-3.266 2.777-.258 1.27-.238 11.829.024 12.938.304 1.281 1.394 2.348 2.671 2.613 1.137.235 16.489.235 17.625 0 1.293-.27 2.434-1.406 2.696-2.691.242-1.184.242-11.676 0-12.86-.309-1.507-1.567-2.578-3.266-2.777l-.262-.031-.03-.2c-.153-.952-1.141-1.796-2.227-1.898l-.348-.031-.074-.281c-.192-.684-.711-1.137-1.438-1.243-.394-.054-7.375-.054-7.77.004M16 1.594c. 1.281l.023.3.383.024c1.23.078 2.137 1.047 2.137 2.285v.223l.309.031c1.27.13 2.32 1.024 2.675 11.07.004 11.625-.074.324-.37 1.03-.433 1.03-.016 0-.004-.038.023-.089.067-.129.067-.133-.129-.125-.11 0-.207.04-.258.098-.046.05-.023-.012.055-.14.074-.13.188-.372.246-.54l.11-.305.011-5.386c.016-6.067.024-5.891-.312-6.567-.352-.715-1.04-1.215-1.863-1.36-.551-.1-15.329-.097-15.883 0-1.106.196-1.922 1.024-2.114 2.145-.058.328-.066 1.246-.054 5.782l.011 5.386.11.305c. 0-.356-.695-.434-1.027-.13-.56-.13-11.165.004-11.63.355-1.253 1.406-2.148 2.675-2.277l.309-.031v-.223c0-1.238.906-2.207 2.137-2.285l.383-.023.023-.301a1.503 1.503 0 01.941-1.277c.383-.149 7.625-.149 8.016-.004m-7.734.14c-.567.118-.97.586-1.036 1.2l-.023.253h.75l.027-.195c.075-.57-.074-.55 4.016-.55s3.941-.02 4.016.55l.027.196h.75l-.023-.254c-.055-.504-.344-.922-.782-1.125-.23-.106-7.23-.172-7.722-.075m-1.844 1.79c-.934.148-1.64 1.019-1.64 2.015v.18h1.16l.019-.305c.031-.469.242-.695.719-.773.379-.063 10.261-.063 10.64 0 .477.078.688.304.72.773l.019.305h1.16v-.18c0-1.02-.707-1.867-1.688-2.023-.383-.059-10.738-.055-11.11.007m13.571 4.329c.215.109.313.195.422.37l.14.231.005 2.512c0 1.383-.004 2.39-.016 2.242l-.016-.27-.23.02c-.125.012-.235.004-.242-.012-.008-.02-.137-.023-.285-.015l-.27.015v.375c0 1.11-.637 2-1.629 2.274-.492.133-11.25.133-11.742 0-.973-.27-1.629-1.172-1.629-2.239 0-.418.023-.402-.574-.394-.2.004-.364-.012-.364-.031 0-.207-.093.039-.105.277-.008.176-.02-.805-.027-2.176l-.008-2.488.133-.25c.148-.29.422-.488.761-.555.114-.023 3.57-.039 7.805-.035l7.598.008.273.14M2.602 20.86c. 0-.106-.086-.207-.188-.102-.101-.172-.187-.16-.187.011 0 . .008-.09.094-.199.2l-.2.183.185-.199c.175-.183.214-.223.214-.183" />

export const SketchUp = (props) => (
  <Icon {...props}>
    d="M21.29 19.465 6.144 23.762 3.14 14.418 1.098 2.176 15.488.238l7.414 5.696Zm-14.927-1.61 4.617-1.183-1.18-2.254-4.296.965Zm-1.398-6.554 4.512-.965 1.183 2.144 5.047-1.07-3.117-3.867-8.485 1.504Zm10.203-9.664L2.602 3.247 3.46 5.18l9.02-1.29 3.332 3.329 5.261-.86Zm0 0" />

Thank you for all of your work!

cjnewco commented 1 year ago

Drew a Remnote icon

export const Remnote = (props) => (
  <Icon {...props}>
    <path d="M8.5 15h7l2.95 4.213a.5.5 0 0 1-.41.787H5.96a.5.5 0 0 1-.41-.787L8.5 15Z" />
    <path d="M.5 15a.5.5 0 0 1-.5-.5v-4a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5H12l-3.6 5H.5Z" />
    <path d="M2.146 5.986a.525.525 0 0 1 0-.722l2.896-3.016a.476.476 0 0 1 .704.012L10 7l2 3H6L2.146 5.986Z" />
    <path d="M23.5 15a.5.5 0 0 0 .5-.5v-4a.5.5 0 0 0-.5-.5H12l3.6 5h7.9Z" />
    <path d="M21.854 5.986a.525.525 0 0 0 0-.722l-2.896-3.016a.476.476 0 0 0-.704.012L14 7l-2 3h6l3.854-4.014Z" />
    <path d="M10 .5a.5.5 0 0 1 .5-.5h3a.5.5 0 0 1 .5.5V10h-4V.5Z" />

Not sure if anyone else uses the app for this, but I figured I'd post it here just in case.

Jean-Tinland commented 1 year ago

Thank you both @mrala & @cjnewco for these icons, I added them in the codebase and linked them to these apps. Let me know if I got some app names wrong and some icons are not showing.

I updated the TODO list and I will add the latest 2 requested icons soon!

Pe8er commented 1 year ago

Pushed a few more icons your way:

mrala commented 1 year ago

Would you mind adding an icon for Pins?

export const Pins = (props) => (
  <Icon {...props}>
    <path d="M11 17h2v5l-2 2v-7zm3.571-12c0-2.903 2.36-3.089 2.429-5h-10c.068 1.911 2.429 2.097 2.429 5 0 3.771-3.429 3.291-3.429 10h12c0-6.709-3.429-6.229-3.429-10z"/>
litszwaiboris commented 1 year ago

Can I get an icon for the Arc Browser? Thank you very much @kvndrsslr

cjnewco commented 1 year ago

@litszwaiboris Heres the one that I made

export const Arc = (props) => (
   <Icon {...props}>
    <path fill-opacity=".7" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M23.466 6.208a2.537 2.537 0 0 1 1.326 3.333c-1.744 4.048-3.938 6.784-6.485 8.372-2.586 1.614-5.29 1.889-7.705 1.451-2.364-.428-4.444-1.53-6.001-2       .69-1.476-1.1-2.817-2.502-3.387-3.802a2.536 2.536 0 0 1 4.645-2.04s. 9.28 0 0 0 1.308 1.169c1.103.82 2.47 1.513 3.876 1.768 1.356.245 2.746.09 4.117-.76       4 1.41-.88 3.035-2.65 4.51-6.075a2.537 2.537 0 0 1 3.334-1.326Z" clip-rule="evenodd"/>
     <path d="M10.167 1.79a3.13 3.13 0 0 1 5.676.038l7.88 17.241A3.139 3.139 0 1 1 18 21.65l-5.024-11.307-5.689 11.523a2.994 2.994 0 0 1-5.39-2.606l8.27-17.468Z"/>
litszwaiboris commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much @cjnewco

Jean-Tinland commented 11 months ago

I added Mimestream & Anki icons.

@cjnewco & @mrala I added your icons (Arc & Pins) in master, thanks!

exic commented 9 months ago

Is this where I can request? I'm missing:

Thanks ❤️

Jean-Tinland commented 9 months ago

I added SuperProductivity & GnuCash icons. Let me know if they are correctly linked to the app. If not let me know the exact app/process name so I can correct it.

About the Apple Calendar app there is already an icon linked to the app (app name: "Calendar"). What is the app/process name of you calendar app?

exic commented 9 months ago

Ah, my calendar app name is localized to "Kalender".

Its "Gnucash" and "Super Productivity" for the other two app names, changed those names (and Calendar->Kalender) in app-icons.js and they all show up nicely, thanks a lot 😃

Jean-Tinland commented 9 months ago

Okay, thank you for the information. I corrected both app names in app-icons.js and added the icon localization for Calendar.

I don't plan to add more icon in languages other than english as it is supposed to be the only one supported but I sometimes make exceptions. On the long run I don't want to increase to much the code base size.

mrala commented 5 months ago

Could you please add icons for OrbStack and Chatterino? Here are my attempts:

export const OrbStack = (props) => (
  <Icon {...props}>
    <path d="M6.348 0h8.511c1.45.04 2.907-.05 4.356.094 1.105.11 2.191.535 3.02 1.289a4.941 4.941 0 0 1 1.453 2.273c.269.856.292 1.758.312 2.649v11.46c-.023.801-.043 1.61-.258 2.387-.25.993-.82 1.891-1.594 2.559a5.151 5.151 0 0 1-2.261 1.102c-.696.156-1.418.164-2.13.187H6.255c-.89-.027-1.8-.047-2.652-.332a5 5 0 0 1-3-2.61c-.465-.949-.563-2.023-.579-3.066-.03-1.168.008-2.336-.023-3.504V7.16c.035-1.137-.023-2.3.297-3.41A5.017 5.017 0 0 1 3.016.574C4.05.07 5.219.047 6.348 0m4.539 3.324a8.536 8.536 0 0 0-5.102 2.461C4.34 7.2 3.434 9.141 3.235 11.152c-.016 1.036-.083 2.09.21 3.094.38 1.465 1.13 2.852 2.223 3.906 1.324 1.418 3.168 2.325 5.09 2.578 1.527.145 3.129.032 4.531-.64 1.168-.77 2.137-1.809 2.887-2.98.258-.485.605-.919.742-1.458.008.508-.438.844-.54 1.317a12.396 12.396 0 0 0 1.61-4.41c-.008-.473.125-.934.106-1.407 0-.437.156-.867.07-1.308a8.611 8.611 0 0 0-.777-2.176c-1.594-3.004-5.145-4.766-8.5-4.344Zm0 0"/>
    <path fill-opacity=".7" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M6.977 5.352c.343-.223.707-.543 1.148-.422-.703.578-1.21 1.355-1.836 2.011-.71.762-1.351 1.59-1.965 2.43-.238.36-.27.844-.625 1.121-.11-.765.332-1.433.543-2.133.551-.996 1.235-1.933 2.102-2.671.176-.118.36-.235.515-.38.016-.113.098-.253.235-.23-.032.094-.078.18-.117.274ZM13.633 6.063c.738-.055 1.539.019 2.172.445.238.133.515.219.703.43.332.351.71.667.937 1.352.207.504.293 1.046.364 1.582-.016.566.074 1.152-.145 1.691-.172.625-.656 1.176-1.285 1.352-.344-.133-.703-.34-.855-.696-.145-.308-.356-.586-.508-.89a17.213 17.213 0 0 0-1.192-2.192 32.978 32.978 0 0 0-1.054-1.75c-.348-.597-.641-1.261-.582-1.968.203-.207.43-.442.742-.457Zm0 0"/>
export const Chatterino = (props) => (
  <Icon {...props}>
    <path d="M2.879 16.969s-.621-1.344-.957-2.856a9.693 9.693 0 0 1-.168-2.832c.285-4.008 2.973-8.57 7.629-10.008 3.48-1.082 7.082-.867 9.695 1.055 3.336 2.473 3.195 3 3.195 3l-4.73 4.656s-1.055-2.113-3.285-2.879c-1.563-.554-2.809-.335-3.89-.144C9 7.199 6.624 8.137 4.944 10.223c-.578.722-1.082 1.464-1.488 2.547-.723 1.992-.578 4.199-.578 4.199"/>
    <path d="M13.992 23.762h-.238c-3.531-.121-5.617-1.008-6.555-1.54-.36.364-.91.817-1.558 1.06-1.13.405-2.45.238-2.52.238l-1.754-.239 1.418-1.058c.024-.024.79-.621.79-1.606.027-1.273-.31-1.898-.575-2.426-1.32-2.566-1.848-4.703-1.68-6.96C1.61 7.343 4.223 2.448 9.238.91c3.84-1.177 7.489-.766 10.059 1.151 3.625 2.692 3.48 3.313 3.383 3.672l-.047.196-5.473 5.328-.433-.914c0-.024-.817-1.656-2.665-2.23-1.124-.36-2.496-.024-3.261.48-2.067 1.39-2.664 3.695-1.465 5.496.937 1.367 2.328 2.039 4.031 1.918 1.848-.121 3.387-2.352 3.387-2.375l.476-.723 5.692 5.547-.363.504c-.145.215-3.649 4.8-8.567 4.8m-7.031-3.48.574.453c.024 0 1.899 1.442 6.266 1.586 3.406.121 6.191-2.593 7.199-3.718l-3.55-3.48c-.747.862-2.184 2.23-3.962 2.35-2.23.145-4.105-.745-5.328-2.542-1.656-2.45-.863-5.664 1.848-7.489 1.055-.722 2.832-1.203 4.488-.671 1.512.476 2.496 1.46 3.024 2.16l3.55-3.457c-.308-.336-1.008-1.032-2.636-2.235-2.188-1.629-5.403-1.965-8.786-.933C5.281 3.625 3 7.922 2.762 11.352c-.145 1.968.308 3.816 1.535 6.168.383.746.766 1.609.742 3.12a3.16 3.16 0 0 1-.336 1.415c.145-.024.29-.07.434-.117.597-.22 1.199-.868 1.367-1.083Zm0 0"/>

I opened a PR to add those icons and sorted the list of apps and icons to make it easier to work with:

Jean-Tinland commented 5 months ago

That's nice, thanks!

exic commented 4 months ago

May I request RocketChat? image 😊

mrala commented 3 months ago

May I request RocketChat? image 😊

Here's an attempt for RocketChat:

  <Icon {...props}>
    <path fill="#c1272d" d="M24 12a8 8 0 0 0-1-4 9.6 9.6 0 0 0-2.7-3c-2.2-1.6-5-2.5-8-2.5-1 0-2 0-3 .3a9.9 9.9 0 0 0-2-1.7C3.2-1.2 0 1 0 1s3 2.8 2.6 5.4A8.3 8.3 0 0 0 .5 12c0 2 .7 4 2 5.5C3 20 0 23 0 23s3.3 2.2 7.2 0c.8-.5 1.5-1.1 2-1.8l3 .3c3 0 5.9-.9 8-2.5 1.2-.8 2-1.8 2.7-3a8 8 0 0 0 1.1-4Zm0 0"/><path fill="#fff" d="M12.2 4.5c5.6 0 10.1 3.4 10.1 7.5 0 4.2-4.5 7.6-10 7.6a13 13 0 0 1-3.6-.5c-1.1 1.6-3.6 3.7-6 3a7 7 0 0 0 1.7-5.3A6.5 6.5 0 0 1 2.1 12c0-4.1 4.5-7.5 10.1-7.5"/><path fill="#c1272d" d="M12.2 13.8c.8 0 1.4-.7 1.4-1.5 0-1-.6-1.6-1.4-1.6-.7 0-1.3.7-1.3 1.6 0 .8.6 1.5 1.3 1.5Zm4.7 0c.7 0 1.3-.7 1.3-1.5 0-1-.6-1.6-1.3-1.6-.8 0-1.4.7-1.4 1.6 0 .8.6 1.5 1.4 1.5Zm-9.3 0c.7 0 1.3-.7 1.3-1.5 0-1-.6-1.6-1.3-1.6-.8 0-1.4.7-1.4 1.6 0 .8.6 1.5 1.4 1.5Zm0 0"/><path fill="#ccc" d="M12.2 18.6c-1.2 0-2.4-.2-3.5-.4-1 1.2-3 2.8-5.1 2.7l-.9 1.2c2.4.7 4.9-1.4 6-3 1 .3 2.3.5 3.5.5 5.6 0 10-3.4 10.1-7.5 0 3.6-4.5 6.5-10 6.5Zm0 0"/>
mrala commented 3 months ago

Just a heads up, I opened a PR to add an icon for CARROT:

Jean-Tinland commented 2 months ago

@exic I added the RocketChat icon, please let me know if this is working well!

TehNeon commented 3 weeks ago

I'd like to request a handful of app icons:

Jean-Tinland commented 3 weeks ago

Sure I'll add these icons soon!

Jean-Tinland commented 1 week ago


I added the following JetBrains app icons:

And these other app icons:

Please let me know if the app/icon association is working, I may have not set the correct name for every app.

TehNeon commented 1 week ago


I added the following JetBrains app icons:

  • Aqua
  • CLion
  • DataGrip
  • Fleet
  • GoLand
  • PyCharm
  • PHPStorm
  • Rider
  • RubyMine
  • RustRover

And these other app icons:

  • ChatGPT
  • MongoDB Compass
  • Redis Insight
  • RoyalTSX

Please let me know if the app/icon association is working, I may have not set the correct name for every app.

I don't have all the Jetbrains apps installed, but I can verify that these ones work:

As for the other applications, the only one that doesn't work is RoyalTSX, likely due to the application name being "Royal TSX"