Jean7667 / RBM_APP

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[USER STORY] As a Customer , I want to display my location on Google Maps So that I can easily share it with customers and consultants. #31

Open Jean7667 opened 3 months ago

Jean7667 commented 3 months ago

As a Client , I want to display my location on Google Maps So that I can easily share it with customers and consultants.

Acceptance Criteria:

Integrate Google Maps API to show the business location accurately. Ensure the map is responsive on different devices. Clearly mark the business location on the map.

Implementation Considerations: Utilise Google Maps API for location display. Design a user-friendly interface for map interaction. Test the map feature across devices and browsers. Update location data as needed. By adding a Google Maps display, we aim to provide a straightforward way for users to share our location, enhancing communication and user experience.