JeanQuilbeufHuawei / draft-collected-data-manifest

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Including network management protocols #9

Closed idomingu closed 1 year ago

idomingu commented 2 years ago

When it comes to identifying model-driven telemetry (MDT), the details regarding the network management protocols enabled by a network platform must be known.

Firstly, the capabilities of the protocol server implemented by the network platform determine the options for streaming telemetry data. For instance, a platform that implements the NETCONF protocol may not support the XPath capability, thus telemetry collectors could only subscribe by specifying a subtree filter. To this end, the Platform Manifest model shall be extended to include such information in a similar fashion as done in YANG Catalog. A snapshot is shown below:

+--rw protocols
     |  +--rw protocol* [name]
     |     +--rw name                identityref
     |     +--rw protocol-version*   string
     |     +--rw capabilities*       string  

Secondly, as part of describing an MDT subscription, the encoding format that is chosen for the streamed data should also be accounted. Network protocols such as gNMI allow for streaming telemetry data using JSON or Protobuf encoding formats. Furthermore, data encoded with JSON could even follow different structures, namely, IETF and OpenConfig. This information is required by data engineers to properly deserialise the ingested data for further processing. In this sense, the Collection Manifest could be extended to describe this kind of information – for example, by means of YANG leaf node.

JeanQuilbeufHuawei commented 2 years ago

Hi Nacho, for the first point, which is specifying the capabilities of the telemetry on the given device, I think that it is out of scope of this draft and maybe more for something like the metadata for collection draft. The goal of the platform manifest is to enable a posteriori interpretation of the collected data, not what configuration methods are supported.

First point, still, currently we identify each collected node via XPath (+ datastore at the collection root). The XPath is used as the key in our data manifest YANG model. My current conjecture is that supported subtrees and supported XPath for configuring collection have the same expressivity (basic path + filtering on keys only), and that XPath can represent any subtree. If that’s not the case, we might need to revisit the YANG model to include another way than XPath to represent collected nodes. Please let us know if you see any issues here?

For the last point, about the data encoding. I had the same idea as you that encoding is important to interpret the data. But actually YANG is supposed to resolve that issue by assigning a well-defined type to each leaf. So by having:

idomingu commented 2 years ago

Hi Jean,

Thanks for your comments. I will go through each point:

     +--rw subscriptions
        +--rw subscription* [id]
           |  ...
           +--rw (target)
           |  +--:(stream)
           |  |   ...
           |  +--:(yp:datastore)
           |     +--rw yp:datastore                     identityref
           |     +--rw (yp:selection-filter)?
           |        +--:(yp:by-reference)
           |        |  +--rw yp:selection-filter-ref
           |        |          selection-filter-ref
           |        +--:(yp:within-subscription)
           |           +--rw (yp:filter-spec)?
           |              +--:(yp:datastore-subtree-filter)
           |              |  +--rw yp:datastore-subtree-filter?
           |              |          <anydata> {sn:subtree}?
           |              +--:(yp:datastore-xpath-filter)
           |                 +--rw yp:datastore-xpath-filter?
           |                         yang:xpath1.0 {sn:xpath}?
           | ...
JeanQuilbeufHuawei commented 1 year ago

We now have the same information as in the YANG push module. @idomingu I believe this closes the issue.

idomingu commented 1 year ago

Indeed. Closing this issue.