JedBartlett / OrthodoxLiturgics

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Nativity of the Theotokos #5

Closed fiafied closed 6 years ago

fiafied commented 6 years ago

Apolytikion For phrase A, the F# in the prep and the G in the cadence are accented, so the accented syllables of Theotokos should be aligned with them. For phase B, -claimed of proclaimed is the first accented syllable, so the reciting tone should start on it. That means that there are only two syllables for the intonation, so the F# should be skipped. Also the word whole is just one syllable and should be slurred. Lastly, for splitting lyrics always follow dictionary hyphenation, so u-ni-verse rather than un-i-verse, and jus-tice rather than just-ice. For phrase C, the cadence has to start with a half note, and I think it would sound smoother to have the next syllable on a half note as well. For phrase D, the cadence has to start with an accented syllable, so it should start on blessing, slurring the first syllable across the two half notes. Also bless-ing rather than ble-ssing. For the final phrase, granting is one word, us and life are separate words, life is one syllable, and everlasting should be hyphenated ev-er-last-ing. It's kind of tricky to find a good fit for the accented/unaccented syllables in this phrase, but the one I like the most has the prep on life and the cadence on everlasting (ending the same as yours with er-last-ing). The last barline should be an ending barline.

Kontakion For phrase A, the last syllable of nativity should be hyphenated as it's on a separate note. The word pure is only one syllable and should be slurred. For phrase B, there are no unaccented syllables at the beginning so the intonation should be skipped. The word reproach should be split into two syllables. For phrase C, to avoid starting the reciting tone on the word and (which is unaccented), we can add a note for Adam. We can add a half note to the cadence for the accented syllable in corruption (rup). The word and is one syllable, and corruption should be hyphenated. For phrase E, the word iniquity should be hyphenated in-iq-ui-ty. For phrase F, the first syllable of unto is accented, so un- should be a half note on the same chord as -to. Also following a similar example from the tutorial, we can make thee a dotted half note to lead into the next phrase better. For the final phrase, a syllabic setting of nourisheth clashes with the long melisma on life. I'm having trouble finding a good way to fit this phrase, but I think the best solution would be to split it into another D phrase and a variation of the final phrase. Also the words who and life are one syllable and should not be hyphenated. The last barline should be an ending barline.

JedBartlett commented 6 years ago

Very nice! I've built them both and attached them here as a single PDF to make printing two-sided easier, along with midi outputs (in zip file): NativityTheotokos-apol-kont-Kievan-rdrG.pdf

Notes on producing the attached files

The Zip with mp3 files were made with:

timidity NativityTheotokos-apolytikion-Kievan-rdrG.midi -Ow -o - | lame - -b 64 NativityTheotokos-kontakion-Kievan-rdrG.mp3
timidity NativityTheotokos-apolytikion-Kievan-rdrG.midi -Ow -o - | lame - -b 64 NativityTheotokos-apolytikion-Kievan-rdrG.mp3 
zip *.mp3

After installing timidity and fluid-soundfont-gm (see instructions below)

Installing timidity

Used for converting .midi to .mp3 files. Soundfont is also required so that timidity has a set of instruments to play ''' sudo apt install timidity fluid-soundfont-gm sudo sed -e 's|^source|#source|' -e '$a source /etc/timidity/fluidr3_gm.cfg' -i /etc/timidity/timidity.cfg sudo /etc/init.d/timidity restart