JedWatson / react-codemirror

Codemirror Component for React.js
MIT License
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Deprecate react-codemirror #126

Open scniro opened 6 years ago

scniro commented 6 years ago

There are currently 36 open issues, 7 open pull requests . A lot of users are seemingly holding out for all of this to be fixed.

I created and plan to actively maintain it. Please consider deprecating this package if you are unable to maintain it moving forward.

rickbergfalk commented 6 years ago

I went and closed my PR since we've switched to react-codemirror2. Highly recommend it if anyone is considering using or currently using this react-codemirror module. Thanks @scniro!

ashking commented 6 years ago

@rickbergfalk , where can I find the react-codemirror2?

rickbergfalk commented 6 years ago

Its on npm as react-codemirror2.

ashking commented 6 years ago

Great, thanks!

scniro commented 6 years ago

@rickbergfalk You are welcome and thank you as well for the recommendation! Please feel free to open up an issue over there should you experience any troubles or have any suggestions to help improve.

jamesopti commented 6 years ago

@scniro Appreciate you pointing this out!

Were upgrading to React16 and came across this issue.

Looks like your peer dependencies include React 16.x, so we'll move over to this as long as the core api is the same (looks like it is).


markusguenther commented 6 years ago

@JedWatson Whats you opinion? Let this nice package die or get some helping hands to polish it. I know that maintaining FOSS is not the easiest job :)

scniro commented 6 years ago

@markusguenther It's been ~9 months since this was opened. What are you expectations for a response? Why not help make react-codemirror2 better instead of kicking dirt here?

itaysabato commented 6 years ago

@scniro Is there a migration guide from this lib to yours? API seems to have changed quite a bit.

Kudos for taking the initiative BTW :)

markusguenther commented 6 years ago

@itaysabato We did the move some month ago and it was pretty simple.

itaysabato commented 6 years ago

Thanks for the example @markusguenther :)

I switched to the Controlled component which has different behaviors, e.g. I had to use onBeforeChange because onChange was never called. Not sure why this is or why there is an UnControlled component at all...

Anyway, I managed to migrate by myself but still think a migration guide would be very helpful to others.

scniro commented 6 years ago

@itaysabato a migration guide for a small component? Yikes. Doesn't the readme cover it? We're not talking frameworks here...

itaysabato commented 6 years ago

@scniro actually no, the readme doesn't cover it. The "migration guide" can be one or two paragraphs in the readme, it doesn't have to be a big deal.

AFAIK react-codemirror2 started as a fork for this npm module so it would make sense IMO to have a section explaining how to migrate from it. Maybe it's just me.

scniro commented 6 years ago

@itaysabato It's not a fork, it's a rewrite. There is no overlap or shared history at all with this repo. How does the readme not cover it? As a user who's never used either repo, I'm willing to bet it's all there. I put a bit of effort into making it pretty comprehensive. Anyways, I don't care to waste time explaining something, that IMO, explains itself (the whole point of a readme? 🤔)