Closed radar closed 4 years ago
I've also looked at this, I work with Ryan.
The problem is that the placeholder element sits above the input element.
Sending keys to the placeholder element crashes PhantomJS 2.0 and 2.1, so that won't work.
Setting the value of the input element does not do anything. Using send_keys
used to work, but no longer does.
I consider this a bug with react-select and not our testing as react-select is doing strange things to do the DOM that break how input elements are supposed to work.
Oh, and we're using 1.0.0-beta5
Anybody figure this out?
Unfortunately, we ended up rolling our own autocomplete instead.
I think I figured it out. I think it's something like:
$('.Select-input input').trigger('mousedown');
From what I saw when firing mousedown on the select the input.focus() is called, but the render is not (until I actually click on the screen). It seems that setState is not being called when programmatically clicking the select. Is there a way to fix this?
@radar Can confirm this is awkward using Selenium too -
Selenium::WebDriver::Error::UnknownError: Element is not clickable at point (341, 45). Other element would receive the click: <div class="Select-placeholder" data-reactid=".$placeholder"></div>
The overlaying of elements is confusing the web driver it seems.
For what it's worth, this works completely fine with Capybara and the javascript_driver
set to webkit
, using the rack_test
web driver. I'm not sure if you're in a position to switch that configuration though, but it helped unblock me.
@ilantc have you found a solution to fix that issue?
@timsheng What we ended up doing is firing focus on the hidden input before dispatching the click events on the select. Not ideal, but it works
@ilantc, can you write here that piece of code that worked?
@liorbentov If you're using the react-addons-test-utils
, something similar to:
const input = yourElement.querySelector('input');
const selectArrow = yourElement.querySelector('.Select-arrow');
TestUtils.Simulate.mouseDown(selectArrow, { button: 0 });
It is possible to use enzyme etc, the important thing is that you need to focus on the input, then mouse down on the Select-arrow with button 0 set.
@AlanFoster thanks! But I'm actually trying to do this on selenium (or chrome), and can't seem to get it right
@liorbentov Unfortunately I was only able to trigger the component to open with selenium/capybara with JavaScript directly, due to the component's DOM structure and how it's styled on the page.
@JedWatson any update on this? is there any way that we can actually trigger programmatically the selection dropdown? I'm currently using NightmareJS and cannot find any working solution.
Looking for a similar thing. trying to write integration tests using zombiejs but unable to find the best way to programmatically trigger the dropdown.
@nathanielescribano I finally found out a way to make tests work. I'm testing with NightmareJS, so there is a package for triggering real mouse events on the browser. This solution worked fine for me. You may probably need a relative solution with ZombieJS, since it is also testing on headless browser.
see also #603 Document how to test with selenium
This worked for me using Selenium:
const getSelect = () =>
className: 'Select-placeholder'
.findElement({'xpath': '//*[@id="react-select-2--value"]/div[2]/input'});
await driver.wait(until.elementLocated(getSelect));
const select = await getSelect();
await select.sendKeys(query);
The xpath there is to the input element
Does anyone know how to simulate selection on this component using just Javascript? The code samples above did not work for me.
$('.Select-input input').trigger('mousedown');
I need a solution I can use in my integration tests.
I'm using React 15.6.2 and react-select 1.2.1.
@volkanunsal after a few failed tentatives, I ended up doing 'brute force' by tabbing, going down with the arrow key and then sending an enter.
const TAB = '\u0009';
const ARROW_DOWN = '\uE015';
const ENTER = '\uE007';
browser.keys([TAB, ARROW_DOWN, ENTER]);
I was able to get the menu opened with following code:
this.mouseEvent('mousedown', '.Select .Select-arrow-zone');
Note that this is casperJS syntax. However I feel you can extend this to any other framework.
Was anyone able to find a fix for selenium?
I'm also not able to solve it - it seems jQuery is not an option:
I am also not been able to trigger it with jasmine.
It seems to changes in library itself, so we need to trigger event touchend
on svg icon or its wrapper to open options list to be able to select one.
This link may be helpful to testing in chrome (presumably puppeteer for integration tests):
A forceOpen
property would be really nice -- right now I have a z-index issue where the menu is hidden on open, but I can't debug it easily, because it goes away once I try and inspect it.
Hi all,
Thank you everyone who had a part in addressing this question.
In an effort to sustain the react-select
project going forward, we're closing issues that appear to have been resolved via community comments.
However, if you feel this issue is still relevant and you'd like us to review it, or have any suggestions regarding this going forward - please leave a comment and we'll do our best to get back to you!
Tried all the options above, nothing worked in plain js for me. But after a while I figured out, this works:
new MouseEvent("mousedown", {
button: 0,
bubbles: true, // this is key, otherwise it wont work
); // open the menu by "clicking" dropdown indicator
Where selectContainer
is just some higher level DOM element wrapping the specific select you are interested in. In my case I simply wrapped it with a new div, but you can of course you can querySelect an existing Select container
if we want to do it via react test library I would always recommend to check the actual tests from this library, they are the key to understand what needs to be triggered. e.g.
// Re-open Menu
button: 0,
If we are talking about vanilla js, we can do it like this: (notice the selector that uses a pattern for class selection, you should replace the value with whatever class you have in your project for dropdown indicator)
const element = document.querySelector('div[class*=dropdown-indicator]')
element.dispatchEvent(new MouseEvent('mousedown', {
bubbles: true,
cancelable: true,
view: window
I'm looking to write an integration test for a form that uses a react-select component. This is the Ruby code that I have for it now:
I would believe this would:
However, I'm getting this error in my tests:
I would consider documentation for how to integration test a react-select (even if it is with some jQuery functions) would be something that this library should provide. I am considering this a "bug" with the documentation for this component, which is why I'm filing this issue.
Please add some examples of programatically triggering / filling in this element with jQuery.