Closed Cottin closed 8 years ago
I run a simple example of tabbable together with react 0.14 and get this error in the console on tap:
TypeError: ReactDOM.findDOMNode is not a function. (In 'ReactDOM.findDOMNode(this)', 'ReactDOM.findDOMNode' is undefined) (initScrollDetection)
I get this if I use and iPhone 6 and safari and connect the phone to my computer and open up Web Inspector and look in the console.
I don't get this error if I'm running the code on my laptop and look in the console.
Simple example code (coffee-script):
{map, range} = require 'ramda' AppView = React.createClass displayName: 'AppView' render: -> div {}, map @renderItem, range(0, 20) renderItem: (i) -> Tappable {onTap: @onTap, key: i}, span {}, "Item number #{i}" onTap: (e) -> console.log 'tap'
Sorry, my misstake!
I used an old boilerplate with react 0.13... that's why :)
I run a simple example of tabbable together with react 0.14 and get this error in the console on tap:
I get this if I use and iPhone 6 and safari and connect the phone to my computer and open up Web Inspector and look in the console.
I don't get this error if I'm running the code on my laptop and look in the console.
Simple example code (coffee-script):