Jeeaaasus / youtube-dl

Automated yt-dlp Docker image
MIT License
266 stars 34 forks source link

Probably phantom.js missing #38

Closed O491dogan closed 3 years ago

O491dogan commented 3 years ago

Hi! I really want to thank you for providing youtube-dl in this awesome self updating docker!

I updated the docker to your newest version and I'm getting an Error like this: ERROR: PhantomJS executable not found in PATH, download it from

I tried to download the video with youtube-dl outside of docker with the most recent version and it was working fine. May it be possible, that something (PhantomJS) is missing or not in the right place inside the container?

Thanks for checking!

Regards, O491

Jeeaaasus commented 3 years ago

Welcome O491 and thank you for taking the time and opening an issue!

That is an error I've never seen, is it consistently coming up every time a specific video is being downloaded? Yes it sounds like a dependency I've not included in the image, however PhantomJS is basically not mentioned on the youtube-dl github anywhere and it's not tagged as a dependency in pip, but it indeed does sound like a dependency.

I would like one of two things from you, if you don't mind.

  1. If you are able to and would like to help trouble shoot. Install PhantomJS inside your running container by doing python3 -m pip install PhantomJS or alternatively from your docker host, assuming your container is named youtube-dl, doing docker exec youtube-dl bash -c 'python3 -m pip install PhantomJS'. Then restarting it or whatever to check if the error persists.
  2. If I would trouble shoot. I need a URL that consistently errors to be able to trouble shoot myself. The contents of your args.conf file.

Thanks again for helping!

O491dogan commented 3 years ago

Hi again,

well - don't thank me :-D. We all benefit from your work!

Okay, back to topic: I went for route number 1 to help you trouble shooting.

Problem 1: It's not always the same video when this error occurs (these are the errors I hate the most, if it's not easily reproducable)

Problem 2: After successfully installing PhantomJS with your prepared command root@NAS:~# docker exec youtube-dl_yt-dl-ph-user_1 bash -c 'python3 -m pip install PhantomJS Collecting PhantomJS Downloading phantomjs-1.4.1-py3-none-any.whl (9.8 kB) Installing collected packages: PhantomJS Successfully installed PhantomJS-1.4.1 root@NAS:~#

The problem still occurs.

I'm going to do another test wit the non-dockered version, because yesterday I only downloaded the video with the non-dockered version which brought up an error inside the container. As we know now, the problem might not be only related to some kind of "special" videos.

I'm going to load my whole playlist in the non-dockered version and see, if the errors raise there too.

If so, the extractor might be broken right now.

I'm going to update this issue as soon as I have tested it!


Jeeaaasus commented 3 years ago

yeah these situations are annoying, be sure to use verbose mode to get extended logs for when you manage to catch the error! it would be very helpful with a verbose log. calling youtube-dl with param --verbose or adding the same to the args.conf file.

Also be aware the installation inside the container is not permanent, it will get uninstalled if you update the image or recreate the container. It will survive stop & start or restarts.

O491dogan commented 3 years ago

Hi again!

Unfortunately, there's not much to let you know so far. I'm trying to dig a bit deeper. Maybe tomorrow trying a few things.

So far I have noticed that the playlist on my desktop system is running fine. But I also noticed, that it runs Python 3.6. The docker uses 3.8 - don't know if this makes any difference. If I had to make a guess, I'd say no.

O491dogan commented 3 years ago

Hi again, sorry for not updating so long!

Well I have good and bad news :-) If you prefer to eat your dessert at first: It seems like your image is fine! Sorry for causing confusion!!

The bad news: I don't know what really happened. I tried it again within the docker and it's not giving me these errors anymore. Instead some titles cannot be extracted which is totally fine. I checked the links when the errors rise and they link to another site which is not the intended extractor site. So everything seems fine now.

I have to check if there were changes in the extractor with the newest release.

Thank you for your support during this issue. Do you want to close it or shall I? And please keep up your work - it's great because the OS of my NAS stays untouched :-)

Jeeaaasus commented 3 years ago

No worries O491! I'm really glad my project is useful to you. Feel free to open another issue in the future regarding this, or other improvements :)