Jeff-Ciesielski / Boms-Away

Component/BOM management tool for KiCad
GNU General Public License v3.0
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UTF-8 Characters Cause Problems #16

Open linuxcf opened 7 years ago

linuxcf commented 7 years ago

KiCAD, at least on Linux, is fully UTF-8 compliant. So, in my existing KiCAD schematics I use strings like '4.99Ω' and '0.1μF' as values. Such strings seem to create problems to '', which, although it does not crash, just ignores the selection, generating an error message in the terminal, e.g., for a value of '10kΩ' (without the quotes),

KeyError: u'10k\u03a9' Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 231, in on_fp_list [x for x in sorted(set(self.type_data[self.fp_list.GetStringSelection()].keys()))])

When the script encounters UTF-8 characters in any field, an error like the above is printed and the particular component is just ignored.

DavidMenting commented 7 years ago

The error seems to relate to difference in encoding between the value returned from the selection box and the keys of the component list.

1µF is encoded in the internal list as '1\xc2\xb5F', whereas the wxWidgets ListBox returns a UTF-8 encoded string u'1\uxbF'

I've tried finding a solution to this for the past hour or so, but couldn't fix it. Maybe @Jeff-Ciesielski can jump in to help or give pointers.

Gasman2014 commented 6 years ago

This affects me too. Whilst I could parse all my libraries and replace the Ω symbols with Ohm I do quite like the space saving the symbols offer. Not sure how easy a fix this is?

Jeff-Ciesielski commented 6 years ago

A cursory glance seems to indicate that wxWidgets stores strings as UTF-32 internally. I'll see what I can do about marshaling things back and forth, but this might be fairly non-trivial considering how much strings are used.

Gasman2014 commented 6 years ago

I agree that this seems to be somewhat problematic in Python 2.7 although possibly easier in Python 3. This article seems to sum up an approach to the issues quite well