读完摘要想法很不错,摘要里这句We show its potential in various human pose estimation tasks with comprehensive experiments.Compared to the conventional regression paradigm, regression with RLE bring 12.4 mAP improvement on MSCOCO without any test-time overhead。实验对比很有意思,值得思考。但是用起来训练不好优化,不如MSE来的直接,权重有的也没给,其他的实验map提升不明显,后面看看mmpose整合后怎么样。
读完摘要想法很不错,摘要里这句We show its potential in various human pose estimation tasks with comprehensive experiments.Compared to the conventional regression paradigm, regression with RLE bring 12.4 mAP improvement on MSCOCO without any test-time overhead。实验对比很有意思,值得思考。但是用起来训练不好优化,不如MSE来的直接,权重有的也没给,其他的实验map提升不明显,后面看看mmpose整合后怎么样。