Open eliaskosunen opened 5 years ago
I've gotten feedback from other committee members on this and lets say the feedback isn't universal. I think a good compromise would be to convert to exposition only for string type and maybe leave the launcher since it's actually a customization point. But still tbd.
After finally getting to play with gcc 10 & concepts (, I agree with half, namely the removal of process_argument_list
, but we should keep process_launcher
. I am not sure about process_initializer
The reason I would want to keep the process_launcher
is so I can use it in my extensions:
struct my_thingy {
template<process_launcher launcher>
void on_setup(launcher ) { /* ... */ }
The argument for this extension should have guarantees in regards to it's type. Now, this might not be absolutely necessary, but I tend to think that actually expressing the intent / guarantee makes a log of sense.
I can't figure out how to inline the process_launcher
but we can turn it into an implementation detail.
namespace std {
class process;
template<typename Launcher, typename Init>
concept _process_initializer =
( requires(Init initializer, Launcher launcher) { {initializer.on_setup(launcher)}; }
|| requires(Init initializer, Launcher launcher) { {initializer.on_success(launcher)}; }
|| requires(Init initializer, Launcher launcher) { {initializer.on_error(launcher, error_code())}; }
template<typename Launcher, typename Args = vector<string>, typename ...Initializers>
concept process_launcher =
convertible_to<iter_value_t<ranges::iterator_t<Args>>, string_view> ||
convertible_to<iter_value_t<ranges::iterator_t<Args>>, wstring_view> ||
convertible_to<iter_value_t<ranges::iterator_t<Args>>, u8string_view>
) &&
requires(Launcher launcher, Args a, filesystem::path p, Initializers ... initializers) {
{ launcher.set_error(error_code(), "message") };
{ launcher.launch(p, a, initializers...) } -> std::same_as<process>;
&& (_process_initializer<Launcher, Initializers> && ...);
Specifying a concept, even an exposition only one, gives implementers no leeway. We must use a table of named requirements instead, unfortunately.