JeffSackmann / tennis_atp

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Player confusions #153

Open JeffSackmann opened 2 years ago

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

This thread is for cases where multiple players are combined under one ID.

via email:

Pedro Araujo (

There are two Pedro Araujo(s). One born in 1974: and one born in 2002:

Mick1303 commented 2 years ago

According to ATP there are two (or more) different players with a last name “Uehara”. One has only an initial “A”. He has ID 106438 in your database. Another is Natsuta Uehara (he is in the draw in Osaka in 1973). You credited the match in 1973 also to A Uehara. 2nd Uehara is not in your database. Check

Mick1303 commented 2 years ago

You have 2 matches in Buenos Aires (1968 and 1970) credited to Julio Van Kerckhoven (ID 110802). But according to ATP there were two Van Kerckhovens. In 1968 in the draw was Jason Van Kerckhoven (absent in your database).

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

from #185: In US Open 1969 draw you have “Luis Garcia” (ID 109928) losing to Laver in R128, following ATP. But they clearly have it wrong, because that Luis Garcia has DOB 1969.01.28. Correct player is Luis Augusto Garcia (ID 110849). See

Mick1303 commented 2 years ago

William Mason (ID 35101) has DOB 1979-05-25 and according to your data plays in 1971 (Durban, Johannesburg). Shall be other William Mason or wrong DOB.

Mick1303 commented 2 years ago

In the list of discrepancies I found that you (and ATP) have Christoph Meyer (id 106751 in TennisAbstact) play Kitzbuehel in 1970 and then Geneva in 1984-1985. But in my database I have another Meyer (Christophe) playing Geneva. The initial source of the draw is probably SteveGtennis ( But also if you look up Christophe, he is on ITF site with an age of 57. I even have exact DOB for him - 1965-06-07, but can’t remember the source. Maybe also ITF – before they closed access to exact birthdays. Now you can see that Christophe (unlike Christoph) could not play in 1970, being 5 yo. But was of the perfect age in 1983-1985, where he also appears in the couple of Challenger events. Even though SteveGTennis is not terribly reliable, I’m in favor of them being correct on this occasion rather than mistaken age and misspelling on ITF site. The time gap between results convinces me of this.

Mick1303 commented 2 years ago

In Quito in 1979 you have Marco Gudino (ID 107657). Also you have him in the challenger in Quito 1996. But it is likely that those are two different players. ITF has an age for Marco Gudino – 50. I have DOB - 2-23-1972. So he could not play in 79, being just 7 yo. Hence it was Marco Gudino-sr who was in that draw in 1979.

Mick1303 commented 2 years ago

Jeff Brown (id 101307) that you have in Dublin 73 losing to Harold Turnbull, has DOB 1966-11-15 in your players' list. this Jeff Brown was in the doubles draw of OZ open in 1992. Can't be him in 1973. I have another Jeff Brown there - the one who was in US Open 1964 draw. But this is also an assumption. Could be entirely different player - the name is very common.

Mick1303 commented 2 years ago

Maybe this is not for this thread, because players do not share the same id. But there is a confusion nonetheless. In your DB Anthony Billington (id 110073) and Henry Billington (id 207037) share the same BDay 1909-11-12 (although Wiki says 1908-11-12). But they are not the duplicate. There was " Anthony Henry Billington" who was born in 1945. He is the one who was in the Open Era draws, while his father (or uncle) was in amateur era draws. I think they were both called "Anthony Henry Billington". The older is cited to be a grandfather of Tim Henman. In any case - they have to be separated by DOB.

Mick1303 commented 2 years ago

There is " Fritz Kuhlmann " in Dusseldorf 1970 draw according to ATP. But Fritz Kuhlmann I know was born in 1906. 64 yo is a bit too much, I think. And turned out I was right - TennisArchives have Fritz Kuhlmann Jr. If you have Kuhlmann (id 112872) in your pre-open results, then the junior, who played in 1970 shall be given separate ID.

Mick1303 commented 2 years ago

You have only one Milan Vopicka (id 109262) born in 1976. But he couldn't play in 1970 (tid 1970-6818). Hence there is Milan Vopicka-sr. ATP silently has him ( The link to junior is different -

Mick1303 commented 1 year ago

Scott Brown (id 108213) shall be split in "junior" and "senior". IDK if they are related, but the one born in 1963-10-09 played in 80s, while another, born in 9-16-1982 - in 2000s.

Mick1303 commented 1 year ago

Not strictly related to the topic, but interesting bit. ATP has a player Joao Victor Couto Loureiro( and ITF has a player Joao Victor Couto Loureiro( But ATP thinks that his last name is Loureiro and first name is tripled as "Joao Victor Couto", while ITF thinks its last name is "Couto Loureiro" and first name is "Joao Victor". How to find the truth?

Mick1303 commented 2 months ago

You have Miguel Tobon (id 101495) in M25 Mosquera this year. But according to ITF & ATP it is another Miguel Tobon (born in 2006 rather than 1968). You'll have to split them ). Maybe "Miguel Tobon jr"?