JeffSackmann / tennis_wta

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player confusions #40

Open JeffSackmann opened 2 years ago

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

this issue/thread is for situations where two players are combined under one ID, or some of a player's matches are assigned to a different player. A more common problem is simple duplication -- situations where a single player's matches are stored under two or more different IDs -- which are tracked in #41.

Some of the ones listed in this first post don't have great explanations. Be better than me -- if you find any situations like these, please provide as much info as possible.

239611 Pat Owen is GBR, but has a couple of USA results that need to be separated

1969 match for her: 240921 Patti Miller is listed with: 223945 Patty Miller (from 1950s)

230647 Winnie Mason some confusion with mother/daughter?

first record is mostly 60s, so 30s/40s are probably someone else, to be merged with 238562: 224844 Enid Kerr [wyard] 238562 C E Wyard

201125 Elizabeth James has some 2010s results

200378 anne smith has 2000s results

Jill and Joy Schwikert

200240 Eugenia Birioukova played until 1991?

212861 sandra begijn may contain mother & daughter

Miki Yokobori is two different players

betty smith / moyer ?

stephanie grant / johnson / defina -- maybe grant is someone else?

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

226125 Peggy Kerr 225179 Mrs P J Kerr 233435 P Kerr

Peggy is the American (California) player, so 226125 and 233435 are dupes, and some of the player's records are included with Mrs P J Kerr, who is a separate British player.

update: 226125/233435 are merged. All of Mrs P J's California results are moved to Peggy, though there are still a couple of mystery results assigned to Mrs P J that don't belong to any of these.

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

200376 Katerina Bohmova 217923 Katerina Bohmova 223079 Katerina Bohmova mother and daughter; one of these is a dupe and there may be further confusion. the mother is Skronska / married Bohm:

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

229786 Rosemary Thomas

contains both a 50s Aussie player and a 30s/40s Brit

the Brit also has results under her married name 233872 Rosemary Morris

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

(moved from duplicates thread)

230133 C Tyrell 229296 C Tyrrell and maybe also: 229716 K Tyrell

(all AUS, not to be confused with GBR Christine Tyrrell)

229296 has one Aussie result and a bunch of contemporaneous GBR/Scotland results. But K/229716 might still be the same as 230133 and the one 229296 Aussie result.

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago 232318 M Graham contains [parts of] 3 different players, with results in AUS, USA, and GBR

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago 233232 Eleanor Young mostly a California player who traveled to Canada (or vice versa, I suppose), but a couple of stray GBR results in the mid 30s, and a stray Hartford result in 1948. edit: the GBR results belong to the Canadian player.

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago 227758 Jean Clarke Stayer there's one 1940 Aussie Chps result that must belong to someone else

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

229942 Eunice Dean is a national-level, Texas-based player 240855 Elizabeth Dean is a California-based player

Thanks to newspaper listings as "E Dean," Eunice has been assigned some results that belong to Elizabeth. has 1934 Santa Monica (clashes with another event, so definitely Eliz), and 1934 SoCal Chps (likely Eliz). Check other years for more. Elizabeth played until at least 1937.

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

243485 Mrs W G Lowe is not the same as 238555 Winifred Lowe

they are both South African. Winifred is W M Lowe. At least 1 result that belongs to W G Lowe in 1934 (or possibly a bit later) was assigned to Winifred.

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

238008 N Hill has both LA-area and UK results.

Looks like the LA player is Natalie Hill. Some or all of the NHill England results probably belong to 241909 N M Hill

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

240700 Marion Wood

the LA player is gaining more results for 1933. The 1937 Wianno (Cape Cod) result is probably someone else.

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

looks like there are two players named Ellen Bates (one USA, one GBR) 240479 Ellen Bates

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago 235240 Martha Davis is mostly the NJ-based player who entered ATA events throughout the 1930s, but there's one stray result for a Minnesota-based player in 1945.

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

225868 Sonia Cox

actually two players. 225868 is the New Zealander. The British results belong to a different player, who I've just assigned as: 247495 Sonia M Cox

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago 234177 B Clarke looks to be three different players on three different continents

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago has two GB results and one US result

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

from g.a.r.o.

The record of Anne Smith, the well known player from the 1980s, has gotten seriously mixed up with the Anne Smith from 1932 on Tennis Abstract.

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

249355 E Alston 247004 Mrs E Alston both have records belonging to Estella Alston, the NY-based Black player. But 247004 also has some British records ... those might belong to 249796 Mrs J W Alston

JeffSackmann commented 2 years ago

236572 Mrs Oscar Moore has some early gbr/aus results that are likely two separate players; the US results belong to: 246710 Mazie Childress

Mick1303 commented 1 year ago

You have Ekaterina Kuznetsova (pid 206708) born in 1982, participating in the string of ITF events starting in 2022, Altenkirchen etc. But this is wrong Ekaterina Kuznetsova. The one who played there is born in 2004. She is not yet in your database.

Mick1303 commented 1 year ago

You have Lucia Martinez Gomez (id 205881) with DOB in 1991. But ITF has her as 20 yo. I have DOB - 2003-01-25.

Mick1303 commented 10 months ago

According to ITF, Yuka Matsumoto (your ID 217643) is 20 yo. I have her DOB as 2002-09-10. You have it as 1984-03-30. Possible duplicate or just wrong DOB?

Mick1303 commented 10 months ago

There are 2 players named "Daniela Lozano" - Colombian (your ID 211515) and Spanish (DOB 2005-11-27). The latter is not in your database. But you attributed the matches in 2022-23 ITF tournaments to Colombian Lozano, while ITF says it is Spanish Lozano who played there.