JeffSteinbok / hass-dreo

Dreo Smart Device Integration for Home Assistant
MIT License
90 stars 28 forks source link

Fans not showing #109

Closed 67jeffh closed 3 weeks ago

67jeffh commented 1 month ago

So I followed the installation directions and I see the dreo integration, I entered the login information and appear to be connected to dreo. However, neither of my fans are showing.

What am I missing?

Thank you!

JeffSteinbok commented 1 month ago

Are you sure your fans are supported? Also see the debugging section for how to get more info.

67jeffh commented 1 month ago

Here is the log, I'm not sure what it is telling me however.

2024-05-27 07:09:25.627 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration hubitat which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.629 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration dreo which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.630 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration hacs which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.631 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration smartthinq_sensors which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.633 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration alexa_media which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.634 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration nodered which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.636 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration flair which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:30.885 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.frame] Detected that custom integration 'hacs' accesses hass.components.frontend. This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2024.9, it should be updated to import functions used from frontend directly at custom_components/hacs/, line 68: hass.components.frontend.async_register_built_in_panel(, please create a bug report at 2024-05-27 07:09:35.410 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] async_setup_entry 2024-05-27 07:09:35.410 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] 2024-05-27 07:09:35.410 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] auto_reconnect is None. Default to True 2024-05-27 07:09:35.411 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydreo] Setting auto_reconnect to True 2024-05-27 07:09:35.413 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydreo] CommandTransport::Setting auto_reconnect to True 2024-05-27 07:09:35.418 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] Calling Dreo API: {login} 2024-05-27 07:09:35.419 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] =======call_api============================= 2024-05-27 07:09:35.419 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] [post] calling '/api/oauth/login' api 2024-05-27 07:09:35.419 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] API call URL: 2024-05-27 07:09:35.420 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] API call headers: {"ua": "dreo/2.5.12 (sdk_gphone64_arm64;android 13;Scale/2.625)", "lang": "en", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "accept-encoding": "gzip", "user-agent": "okhttp/4.9.1"} 2024-05-27 07:09:35.420 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] API call json: {"acceptLanguage": "en", "client_id": "7de37c362ee54dcf9c4561812309347a", "client_secret": "32dfa0764f25451d99f94e1693498791", "email": "##REDACTED##", "encrypt": "ciphertext", "grant_type": "email-password", "himei": "faede31549d649f58864093158787ec9", "password": "##REDACTED##", "scope": "all"} 2024-05-27 07:09:41.865 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] API response:

{"code": 0, "msg": "OK", "data": {"access_token": "##REDACTED##", "refresh_token": "##REDACTED##", "createdAt": 1716420230000, "countryCode": "US", "scope": "all", "token_type": "bearer", "region": "NA", "expires_in": 314976060, "userid": "1793422550336798720"}}

2024-05-27 07:09:41.876 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] Dreo Auth reports user region as: NA 2024-05-27 07:09:41.877 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] Login successful 2024-05-27 07:09:41.883 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] Calling Dreo API: {devicelist} 2024-05-27 07:09:41.883 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] =======call_api============================= 2024-05-27 07:09:41.883 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] [get] calling '/api/v2/user-device/device/list' api 2024-05-27 07:09:41.883 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] API call URL: 2024-05-27 07:09:41.884 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] API call headers: {"ua": "dreo/2.5.12 (sdk_gphone64_arm64;android 13;Scale/2.625)", "lang": "en", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "accept-encoding": "gzip", "user-agent": "okhttp/4.9.1", "authorization": "Bearer 8d2aa217-2be3-4dea-ad7e-4f3cc9978edd"} 2024-05-27 07:09:41.884 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] API call json: {"acceptLanguage": "en", "method": "devices", "pageNo": "1", "pageSize": "100"} 2024-05-27 07:09:42.195 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] API response:

{"code": 0, "msg": "OK", "data": {"currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 100, "totalNum": 2, "totalPage": 1, "list": [{"deviceId": "1769279749012647938", "sn": "1706512872524279810-094c9b57ea3cb9aa:001:0000000000w", "brand": "Dreo", "model": "DR-HCF001S", "productId": "1706512872524279810", "productName": "Ceiling Fan", "deviceName": "Family Room Ceiling Fan", "shared": false, "series": null, "seriesName": "CLF521S", "color": "w", "controlsConf": {"template": "DR-HCF001S", "lottie": {"key": "poweron", "frames": [{"value": 0, "frame": [0]}, {"value": 1, "frame": [2]}]}, "schedule": {"modes": []}, "cards": [{"type": 6, "title": "home_bedtime_light", "icon": "ic_bedtime_light", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/bedtimelight?deviceSn=${sn}", "show": true, "key": ""}, {"type": 8, "title": "", "icon": "", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/schedule?deviceSn={sn}", "show": true, "key": ""}, {"type": 6, "title": "device_settings_title", "icon": "ic_setting", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/setting?deviceSn=${sn}", "show": true, "key": "setting"}], "feature": {"schedule": {"enable": "", "localSupport": true, "module": [{"type": "HeFi", "version": "0.0.1"}]}}, "preference": [{"id": "200", "type": "Panel Sound", "title": "dev_ctrl_audio_feedback", "image": "ic_mute", "reverse": true, "cmd": "muteon"}], "control": [{"id": "110", "type": "Speed", "title": "device_control_speed", "items": [{"text": "1", "cmd": "windlevel", "value": 1}, {"text": "12", "cmd": "windlevel", "value": 12}]}, {"id": "130", "type": "CFFan", "title": "base_fan", "cmd": "fanon", "items": [{"text": "base_reverse", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_cf_mode_reverse", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#FFBB33"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 4, "toast": "dev_ctrl_reverse_toast"}, {"text": "device_fans_mode_straight", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_normal_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#25D7E4"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 1}, {"text": "device_fans_mode_natural", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_natural_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#2CDD96"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 2}, {"text": "device_control_mode_sleep", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_sleep_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#6249DF"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 3}, {"text": "base_auto", "image": "ic_auto_wind", "cmd": "mode", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#6249DF"], "value": 5}]}, {"id": "140", "type": "CFLight", "title": "device_control_light", "cmd": "lighton", "items": [{"type": "light", "text": "device_fans_mode_natural", "image": "ic_cf_light", "cmd": "brightness", "maxValue": 100, "minValue": 1}, {"type": "color", "text": "device_control_mode_sleep", "image": "ic_color_bar", "cmd": "colortemp", "maxValue": 100, "minValue": 0}]}], "category": "Ceiling Fan", "version": {"minControlVer": "2.6.2", "minPairingVer": "2.6.2"}, "setting": [{"text": "Firmware Version", "image": "image.png", "value": "1.0.0", "url": "dreo://control"}]}, "mainConf": {"isSmart": true, "isWifi": true, "isBluetooth": true, "isVoiceControl": true}, "resourcesConf": {"imageSmallSrc": "", "imageFullSrc": "", "imageSmallDarkSrc": "", "imageFullDarkSrc": ""}, "servicesConf": [{"key": "user_manual", "value": ""}], "userManuals": [{"url": "", "icon": null, "desc": "User Manual", "lang": "en"}]}, {"deviceId": "1769274833431957506", "sn": "1706512872524279810-150f28ec46b7b969:001:0000000000w", "brand": "Dreo", "model": "DR-HCF001S", "productId": "1706512872524279810", "productName": "Ceiling Fan", "deviceName": "Master Bedroom Ceiling Fan", "shared": false, "series": null, "seriesName": "CLF521S", "color": "w", "controlsConf": {"template": "DR-HCF001S", "lottie": {"key": "poweron", "frames": [{"value": 0, "frame": [0]}, {"value": 1, "frame": [2]}]}, "schedule": {"modes": []}, "cards": [{"type": 6, "title": "home_bedtime_light", "icon": "ic_bedtime_light", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/bedtimelight?deviceSn=${sn}", "show": true, "key": ""}, {"type": 8, "title": "", "icon": "", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/schedule?deviceSn={sn}", "show": true, "key": ""}, {"type": 6, "title": "device_settings_title", "icon": "ic_setting", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/setting?deviceSn=${sn}", "show": true, "key": "setting"}], "feature": {"schedule": {"enable": "", "localSupport": true, "module": [{"type": "HeFi", "version": "0.0.1"}]}}, "preference": [{"id": "200", "type": "Panel Sound", "title": "dev_ctrl_audio_feedback", "image": "ic_mute", "reverse": true, "cmd": "muteon"}], "control": [{"id": "110", "type": "Speed", "title": "device_control_speed", "items": [{"text": "1", "cmd": "windlevel", "value": 1}, {"text": "12", "cmd": "windlevel", "value": 12}]}, {"id": "130", "type": "CFFan", "title": "base_fan", "cmd": "fanon", "items": [{"text": "base_reverse", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_cf_mode_reverse", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#FFBB33"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 4, "toast": "dev_ctrl_reverse_toast"}, {"text": "device_fans_mode_straight", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_normal_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#25D7E4"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 1}, {"text": "device_fans_mode_natural", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_natural_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#2CDD96"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 2}, {"text": "device_control_mode_sleep", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_sleep_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#6249DF"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 3}, {"text": "base_auto", "image": "ic_auto_wind", "cmd": "mode", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#6249DF"], "value": 5}]}, {"id": "140", "type": "CFLight", "title": "device_control_light", "cmd": "lighton", "items": [{"type": "light", "text": "device_fans_mode_natural", "image": "ic_cf_light", "cmd": "brightness", "maxValue": 100, "minValue": 1}, {"type": "color", "text": "device_control_mode_sleep", "image": "ic_color_bar", "cmd": "colortemp", "maxValue": 100, "minValue": 0}]}], "category": "Ceiling Fan", "version": {"minControlVer": "2.6.2", "minPairingVer": "2.6.2"}, "setting": [{"text": "Firmware Version", "image": "image.png", "value": "1.0.0", "url": "dreo://control"}]}, "mainConf": {"isSmart": true, "isWifi": true, "isBluetooth": true, "isVoiceControl": true}, "resourcesConf": {"imageSmallSrc": "", "imageFullSrc": "", "imageSmallDarkSrc": "", "imageFullDarkSrc": ""}, "servicesConf": [{"key": "user_manual", "value": ""}], "userManuals": [{"url": "", "icon": null, "desc": "User Manual", "lang": "en"}]}]}}

2024-05-27 07:09:42.199 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] pydreo._process_devices 2024-05-27 07:09:42.200 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] New device list initialized 2024-05-27 07:09:42.200 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] found device with model DR-HCF001S 2024-05-27 07:09:42.200 WARNING (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] Unknown fan or heater model: DR-HCF001S 2024-05-27 07:09:42.201 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] {'deviceId': '1769279749012647938', 'sn': '1706512872524279810-094c9b57ea3cb9aa:001:0000000000w', 'brand': 'Dreo', 'model': 'DR-HCF001S', 'productId': '1706512872524279810', 'productName': 'Ceiling Fan', 'deviceName': 'Family Room Ceiling Fan', 'shared': False, 'series': None, 'seriesName': 'CLF521S', 'color': 'w', 'controlsConf': {'template': 'DR-HCF001S', 'lottie': {'key': 'poweron', 'frames': [{'value': 0, 'frame': [0]}, {'value': 1, 'frame': [2]}]}, 'schedule': {'modes': []}, 'cards': [{'type': 6, 'title': 'home_bedtime_light', 'icon': 'ic_bedtime_light', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/bedtimelight?deviceSn=${sn}', 'show': True, 'key': ''}, {'type': 8, 'title': '', 'icon': '', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/schedule?deviceSn={sn}', 'show': True, 'key': ''}, {'type': 6, 'title': 'device_settings_title', 'icon': 'ic_setting', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/setting?deviceSn=${sn}', 'show': True, 'key': 'setting'}], 'feature': {'schedule': {'enable': '', 'localSupport': True, 'module': [{'type': 'HeFi', 'version': '0.0.1'}]}}, 'preference': [{'id': '200', 'type': 'Panel Sound', 'title': 'dev_ctrl_audio_feedback', 'image': 'ic_mute', 'reverse': True, 'cmd': 'muteon'}], 'control': [{'id': '110', 'type': 'Speed', 'title': 'device_control_speed', 'items': [{'text': '1', 'cmd': 'windlevel', 'value': 1}, {'text': '12', 'cmd': 'windlevel', 'value': 12}]}, {'id': '130', 'type': 'CFFan', 'title': 'base_fan', 'cmd': 'fanon', 'items': [{'text': 'base_reverse', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_cf_mode_reverse', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#FFBB33'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 4, 'toast': 'dev_ctrl_reverse_toast'}, {'text': 'device_fans_mode_straight', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_normal_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#25D7E4'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 1}, {'text': 'device_fans_mode_natural', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_natural_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#2CDD96'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 2}, {'text': 'device_control_mode_sleep', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_sleep_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#6249DF'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 3}, {'text': 'base_auto', 'image': 'ic_auto_wind', 'cmd': 'mode', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#6249DF'], 'value': 5}]}, {'id': '140', 'type': 'CFLight', 'title': 'device_control_light', 'cmd': 'lighton', 'items': [{'type': 'light', 'text': 'device_fans_mode_natural', 'image': 'ic_cf_light', 'cmd': 'brightness', 'maxValue': 100, 'minValue': 1}, {'type': 'color', 'text': 'device_control_mode_sleep', 'image': 'ic_color_bar', 'cmd': 'colortemp', 'maxValue': 100, 'minValue': 0}]}], 'category': 'Ceiling Fan', 'version': {'minControlVer': '2.6.2', 'minPairingVer': '2.6.2'}, 'setting': [{'text': 'Firmware Version', 'image': 'image.png', 'value': '1.0.0', 'url': 'dreo://control'}]}, 'mainConf': {'isSmart': True, 'isWifi': True, 'isBluetooth': True, 'isVoiceControl': True}, 'resourcesConf': {'imageSmallSrc': '', 'imageFullSrc': '', 'imageSmallDarkSrc': '', 'imageFullDarkSrc': ''}, 'servicesConf': [{'key': 'user_manual', 'value': ''}], 'userManuals': [{'url': '', 'icon': None, 'desc': 'User Manual', 'lang': 'en'}]} 2024-05-27 07:09:42.202 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] found device with model DR-HCF001S 2024-05-27 07:09:42.202 WARNING (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] Unknown fan or heater model: DR-HCF001S 2024-05-27 07:09:42.202 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] {'deviceId': '1769274833431957506', 'sn': '1706512872524279810-150f28ec46b7b969:001:0000000000w', 'brand': 'Dreo', 'model': 'DR-HCF001S', 'productId': '1706512872524279810', 'productName': 'Ceiling Fan', 'deviceName': 'Master Bedroom Ceiling Fan', 'shared': False, 'series': None, 'seriesName': 'CLF521S', 'color': 'w', 'controlsConf': {'template': 'DR-HCF001S', 'lottie': {'key': 'poweron', 'frames': [{'value': 0, 'frame': [0]}, {'value': 1, 'frame': [2]}]}, 'schedule': {'modes': []}, 'cards': [{'type': 6, 'title': 'home_bedtime_light', 'icon': 'ic_bedtime_light', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/bedtimelight?deviceSn=${sn}', 'show': True, 'key': ''}, {'type': 8, 'title': '', 'icon': '', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/schedule?deviceSn={sn}', 'show': True, 'key': ''}, {'type': 6, 'title': 'device_settings_title', 'icon': 'ic_setting', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/setting?deviceSn=${sn}', 'show': True, 'key': 'setting'}], 'feature': {'schedule': {'enable': '', 'localSupport': True, 'module': [{'type': 'HeFi', 'version': '0.0.1'}]}}, 'preference': [{'id': '200', 'type': 'Panel Sound', 'title': 'dev_ctrl_audio_feedback', 'image': 'ic_mute', 'reverse': True, 'cmd': 'muteon'}], 'control': [{'id': '110', 'type': 'Speed', 'title': 'device_control_speed', 'items': [{'text': '1', 'cmd': 'windlevel', 'value': 1}, {'text': '12', 'cmd': 'windlevel', 'value': 12}]}, {'id': '130', 'type': 'CFFan', 'title': 'base_fan', 'cmd': 'fanon', 'items': [{'text': 'base_reverse', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_cf_mode_reverse', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#FFBB33'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 4, 'toast': 'dev_ctrl_reverse_toast'}, {'text': 'device_fans_mode_straight', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_normal_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#25D7E4'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 1}, {'text': 'device_fans_mode_natural', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_natural_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#2CDD96'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 2}, {'text': 'device_control_mode_sleep', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_sleep_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#6249DF'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 3}, {'text': 'base_auto', 'image': 'ic_auto_wind', 'cmd': 'mode', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#6249DF'], 'value': 5}]}, {'id': '140', 'type': 'CFLight', 'title': 'device_control_light', 'cmd': 'lighton', 'items': [{'type': 'light', 'text': 'device_fans_mode_natural', 'image': 'ic_cf_light', 'cmd': 'brightness', 'maxValue': 100, 'minValue': 1}, {'type': 'color', 'text': 'device_control_mode_sleep', 'image': 'ic_color_bar', 'cmd': 'colortemp', 'maxValue': 100, 'minValue': 0}]}], 'category': 'Ceiling Fan', 'version': {'minControlVer': '2.6.2', 'minPairingVer': '2.6.2'}, 'setting': [{'text': 'Firmware Version', 'image': 'image.png', 'value': '1.0.0', 'url': 'dreo://control'}]}, 'mainConf': {'isSmart': True, 'isWifi': True, 'isBluetooth': True, 'isVoiceControl': True}, 'resourcesConf': {'imageSmallSrc': '', 'imageFullSrc': '', 'imageSmallDarkSrc': '', 'imageFullDarkSrc': ''}, 'servicesConf': [{'key': 'user_manual', 'value': ''}], 'userManuals': [{'url': '', 'icon': None, 'desc': 'User Manual', 'lang': 'en'}]} 2024-05-27 07:09:42.206 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] Device dict is: {'fans': [], 'heaters': []} 2024-05-27 07:09:42.207 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] Platforms are: [] 2024-05-27 07:09:42.210 INFO (DreoWebSocketStream) [pydreo] Starting WebSocket for incoming changes and commands. 2024-05-27 07:09:42.520 INFO (DreoWebSocketStream) [pydreo] WebSocket successfully opened 2024-05-27 07:09:42.521 DEBUG (DreoWebSocketStream) [pydreo] CommandTransport::_ws_consumer_handler 2024-05-27 07:09:42.521 DEBUG (DreoWebSocketStream) [pydreo] _ws_ping_handler 2024-05-27 07:09:49.383 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.frame] Detected that custom integration 'hacs' accesses hass.helpers.event. This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2024.11, it should be updated to import functions used from event directly at custom_components/hacs/, line 642: self.hass.helpers.event.async_track_time_interval(, please create a bug report at

JeffSteinbok commented 1 month ago

Looks like the model isn’t supported. Check the README.


On May 27, 2024, at 4:15 AM, 67jeffh @.***> wrote:

Here is the log, I'm not sure what it is telling me however.

2024-05-27 07:09:25.627 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration hubitat which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.629 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration dreo which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.630 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration hacs which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.631 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration smartthinq_sensors which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.633 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration alexa_media which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.634 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration nodered which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:25.636 WARNING (SyncWorker_5) [homeassistant.loader] We found a custom integration flair which has not been tested by Home Assistant. This component might cause stability problems, be sure to disable it if you experience issues with Home Assistant 2024-05-27 07:09:30.885 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.frame] Detected that custom integration 'hacs' accesses hass.components.frontend. This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2024.9, it should be updated to import functions used from frontend directly at custom_components/hacs/, line 68: hass.components.frontend.async_register_built_in_panel(, please create a bug report at 2024-05-27 07:09:35.410 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] async_setup_entry 2024-05-27 07:09:35.410 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] 2024-05-27 07:09:35.410 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] auto_reconnect is None. Default to True 2024-05-27 07:09:35.411 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydreo] Setting auto_reconnect to True 2024-05-27 07:09:35.413 DEBUG (MainThread) [pydreo] CommandTransport::Setting auto_reconnect to True 2024-05-27 07:09:35.418 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] Calling Dreo API: {login} 2024-05-27 07:09:35.419 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] =======call_api============================= 2024-05-27 07:09:35.419 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] [post] calling '/api/oauth/login' api 2024-05-27 07:09:35.419 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] API call URL: 2024-05-27 07:09:35.420 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] API call headers: {"ua": "dreo/2.5.12 (sdk_gphone64_arm64;android 13;Scale/2.625)", "lang": "en", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "accept-encoding": "gzip", "user-agent": "okhttp/4.9.1"} 2024-05-27 07:09:35.420 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] API call json: {"acceptLanguage": "en", "client_id": "7de37c362ee54dcf9c4561812309347a", "client_secret": "32dfa0764f25451d99f94e1693498791", "email": "##REDACTED##", "encrypt": "ciphertext", "grant_type": "email-password", "himei": "faede31549d649f58864093158787ec9", "password": "##REDACTED##", "scope": "all"} 2024-05-27 07:09:41.865 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] API response:

{"code": 0, "msg": "OK", "data": {"access_token": "##REDACTED##", "refresh_token": "##REDACTED##", "createdAt": 1716420230000, "countryCode": "US", "scope": "all", "token_type": "bearer", "region": "NA", "expires_in": 314976060, "userid": "1793422550336798720"}}

2024-05-27 07:09:41.876 INFO (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] Dreo Auth reports user region as: NA 2024-05-27 07:09:41.877 DEBUG (SyncWorker_3) [pydreo] Login successful 2024-05-27 07:09:41.883 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] Calling Dreo API: {devicelist} 2024-05-27 07:09:41.883 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] =======call_api============================= 2024-05-27 07:09:41.883 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] [get] calling '/api/v2/user-device/device/list' api 2024-05-27 07:09:41.883 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] API call URL: 2024-05-27 07:09:41.884 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] API call headers: {"ua": "dreo/2.5.12 (sdk_gphone64_arm64;android 13;Scale/2.625)", "lang": "en", "content-type": "application/json; charset=UTF-8", "accept-encoding": "gzip", "user-agent": "okhttp/4.9.1", "authorization": "Bearer 8d2aa217-2be3-4dea-ad7e-4f3cc9978edd"} 2024-05-27 07:09:41.884 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] API call json: {"acceptLanguage": "en", "method": "devices", "pageNo": "1", "pageSize": "100"} 2024-05-27 07:09:42.195 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] API response:

{"code": 0, "msg": "OK", "data": {"currentPage": 1, "pageSize": 100, "totalNum": 2, "totalPage": 1, "list": [{"deviceId": "1769279749012647938", "sn": "1706512872524279810-094c9b57ea3cb9aa:001:0000000000w", "brand": "Dreo", "model": "DR-HCF001S", "productId": "1706512872524279810", "productName": "Ceiling Fan", "deviceName": "Family Room Ceiling Fan", "shared": false, "series": null, "seriesName": "CLF521S", "color": "w", "controlsConf": {"template": "DR-HCF001S", "lottie": {"key": "poweron", "frames": [{"value": 0, "frame": [0]}, {"value": 1, "frame": [2]}]}, "schedule": {"modes": []}, "cards": [{"type": 6, "title": "home_bedtime_light", "icon": "ic_bedtime_light", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/bedtimelight?deviceSn=${sn}", "show": true, "key": ""}, {"type": 8, "title": "", "icon": "", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/schedule?deviceSn={sn}", "show": true, "key": ""}, {"type": 6, "title": "device_settings_title", "icon": "ic_setting", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/setting?deviceSn=${sn}", "show": true, "key": "setting"}], "feature": {"schedule": {"enable": "", "localSupport": true, "module": [{"type": "HeFi", "version": "0.0.1"}]}}, "preference": [{"id": "200", "type": "Panel Sound", "title": "dev_ctrl_audio_feedback", "image": "ic_mute", "reverse": true, "cmd": "muteon"}], "control": [{"id": "110", "type": "Speed", "title": "device_control_speed", "items": [{"text": "1", "cmd": "windlevel", "value": 1}, {"text": "12", "cmd": "windlevel", "value": 12}]}, {"id": "130", "type": "CFFan", "title": "base_fan", "cmd": "fanon", "items": [{"text": "base_reverse", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_cf_mode_reverse", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#FFBB33"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 4, "toast": "dev_ctrl_reverse_toast"}, {"text": "device_fans_mode_straight", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_normal_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#25D7E4"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 1}, {"text": "device_fans_mode_natural", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_natural_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#2CDD96"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 2}, {"text": "device_control_mode_sleep", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_sleep_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#6249DF"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 3}, {"text": "base_auto", "image": "ic_auto_wind", "cmd": "mode", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#6249DF"], "value": 5}]}, {"id": "140", "type": "CFLight", "title": "device_control_light", "cmd": "lighton", "items": [{"type": "light", "text": "device_fans_mode_natural", "image": "ic_cf_light", "cmd": "brightness", "maxValue": 100, "minValue": 1}, {"type": "color", "text": "device_control_mode_sleep", "image": "ic_color_bar", "cmd": "colortemp", "maxValue": 100, "minValue": 0}]}], "category": "Ceiling Fan", "version": {"minControlVer": "2.6.2", "minPairingVer": "2.6.2"}, "setting": [{"text": "Firmware Version", "image": "image.png", "value": "1.0.0", "url": "dreo://control"}]}, "mainConf": {"isSmart": true, "isWifi": true, "isBluetooth": true, "isVoiceControl": true}, "resourcesConf": {"imageSmallSrc": "", "imageFullSrc": "", "imageSmallDarkSrc": "", "imageFullDarkSrc": ""}, "servicesConf": [{"key": "user_manual", "value": ""}], "userManuals": [{"url": "", "icon": null, "desc": "User Manual", "lang": "en"}]}, {"deviceId": "1769274833431957506", "sn": "1706512872524279810-150f28ec46b7b969:001:0000000000w", "brand": "Dreo", "model": "DR-HCF001S", "productId": "1706512872524279810", "productName": "Ceiling Fan", "deviceName": "Master Bedroom Ceiling Fan", "shared": false, "series": null, "seriesName": "CLF521S", "color": "w", "controlsConf": {"template": "DR-HCF001S", "lottie": {"key": "poweron", "frames": [{"value": 0, "frame": [0]}, {"value": 1, "frame": [2]}]}, "schedule": {"modes": []}, "cards": [{"type": 6, "title": "home_bedtime_light", "icon": "ic_bedtime_light", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/bedtimelight?deviceSn=${sn}", "show": true, "key": ""}, {"type": 8, "title": "", "icon": "", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/schedule?deviceSn={sn}", "show": true, "key": ""}, {"type": 6, "title": "device_settings_title", "icon": "ic_setting", "image": "", "url": "dreo://nav/device/setting?deviceSn=${sn}", "show": true, "key": "setting"}], "feature": {"schedule": {"enable": "", "localSupport": true, "module": [{"type": "HeFi", "version": "0.0.1"}]}}, "preference": [{"id": "200", "type": "Panel Sound", "title": "dev_ctrl_audio_feedback", "image": "ic_mute", "reverse": true, "cmd": "muteon"}], "control": [{"id": "110", "type": "Speed", "title": "device_control_speed", "items": [{"text": "1", "cmd": "windlevel", "value": 1}, {"text": "12", "cmd": "windlevel", "value": 12}]}, {"id": "130", "type": "CFFan", "title": "base_fan", "cmd": "fanon", "items": [{"text": "base_reverse", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_cf_mode_reverse", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#FFBB33"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 4, "toast": "dev_ctrl_reverse_toast"}, {"text": "device_fans_mode_straight", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_normal_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#25D7E4"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 1}, {"text": "device_fans_mode_natural", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_natural_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#2CDD96"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 2}, {"text": "device_control_mode_sleep", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "image": "ic_sleep_wind", "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#6249DF"], "cmd": "mode", "value": 3}, {"text": "base_auto", "image": "ic_auto_wind", "cmd": "mode", "textColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#D5D6D7"], "imageColors": ["#D5D6D7", "#6249DF"], "value": 5}]}, {"id": "140", "type": "CFLight", "title": "device_control_light", "cmd": "lighton", "items": [{"type": "light", "text": "device_fans_mode_natural", "image": "ic_cf_light", "cmd": "brightness", "maxValue": 100, "minValue": 1}, {"type": "color", "text": "device_control_mode_sleep", "image": "ic_color_bar", "cmd": "colortemp", "maxValue": 100, "minValue": 0}]}], "category": "Ceiling Fan", "version": {"minControlVer": "2.6.2", "minPairingVer": "2.6.2"}, "setting": [{"text": "Firmware Version", "image": "image.png", "value": "1.0.0", "url": "dreo://control"}]}, "mainConf": {"isSmart": true, "isWifi": true, "isBluetooth": true, "isVoiceControl": true}, "resourcesConf": {"imageSmallSrc": "", "imageFullSrc": "", "imageSmallDarkSrc": "", "imageFullDarkSrc": ""}, "servicesConf": [{"key": "user_manual", "value": ""}], "userManuals": [{"url": "", "icon": null, "desc": "User Manual", "lang": "en"}]}]}}

2024-05-27 07:09:42.199 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] pydreo._process_devices 2024-05-27 07:09:42.200 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] New device list initialized 2024-05-27 07:09:42.200 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] found device with model DR-HCF001S 2024-05-27 07:09:42.200 WARNING (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] Unknown fan or heater model: DR-HCF001S 2024-05-27 07:09:42.201 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] {'deviceId': '1769279749012647938', 'sn': '1706512872524279810-094c9b57ea3cb9aa:001:0000000000w', 'brand': 'Dreo', 'model': 'DR-HCF001S', 'productId': '1706512872524279810', 'productName': 'Ceiling Fan', 'deviceName': 'Family Room Ceiling Fan', 'shared': False, 'series': None, 'seriesName': 'CLF521S', 'color': 'w', 'controlsConf': {'template': 'DR-HCF001S', 'lottie': {'key': 'poweron', 'frames': [{'value': 0, 'frame': [0]}, {'value': 1, 'frame': [2]}]}, 'schedule': {'modes': []}, 'cards': [{'type': 6, 'title': 'home_bedtime_light', 'icon': 'ic_bedtime_light', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/bedtimelight?deviceSn=${sn}', 'show': True, 'key': ''}, {'type': 8, 'title': '', 'icon': '', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/schedule?deviceSn={sn}', 'show': True, 'key': ''}, {'type': 6, 'title': 'device_settings_title', 'icon': 'ic_setting', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/setting?deviceSn=${sn}', 'show': True, 'key': 'setting'}], 'feature': {'schedule': {'enable': '', 'localSupport': True, 'module': [{'type': 'HeFi', 'version': '0.0.1'}]}}, 'preference': [{'id': '200', 'type': 'Panel Sound', 'title': 'dev_ctrl_audio_feedback', 'image': 'ic_mute', 'reverse': True, 'cmd': 'muteon'}], 'control': [{'id': '110', 'type': 'Speed', 'title': 'device_control_speed', 'items': [{'text': '1', 'cmd': 'windlevel', 'value': 1}, {'text': '12', 'cmd': 'windlevel', 'value': 12}]}, {'id': '130', 'type': 'CFFan', 'title': 'base_fan', 'cmd': 'fanon', 'items': [{'text': 'base_reverse', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_cf_mode_reverse', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#FFBB33'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 4, 'toast': 'dev_ctrl_reverse_toast'}, {'text': 'device_fans_mode_straight', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_normal_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#25D7E4'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 1}, {'text': 'device_fans_mode_natural', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_natural_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#2CDD96'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 2}, {'text': 'device_control_mode_sleep', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_sleep_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#6249DF'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 3}, {'text': 'base_auto', 'image': 'ic_auto_wind', 'cmd': 'mode', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#6249DF'], 'value': 5}]}, {'id': '140', 'type': 'CFLight', 'title': 'device_control_light', 'cmd': 'lighton', 'items': [{'type': 'light', 'text': 'device_fans_mode_natural', 'image': 'ic_cf_light', 'cmd': 'brightness', 'maxValue': 100, 'minValue': 1}, {'type': 'color', 'text': 'device_control_mode_sleep', 'image': 'ic_color_bar', 'cmd': 'colortemp', 'maxValue': 100, 'minValue': 0}]}], 'category': 'Ceiling Fan', 'version': {'minControlVer': '2.6.2', 'minPairingVer': '2.6.2'}, 'setting': [{'text': 'Firmware Version', 'image': 'image.png', 'value': '1.0.0', 'url': 'dreo://control'}]}, 'mainConf': {'isSmart': True, 'isWifi': True, 'isBluetooth': True, 'isVoiceControl': True}, 'resourcesConf': {'imageSmallSrc': '', 'imageFullSrc': '', 'imageSmallDarkSrc': '', 'imageFullDarkSrc': ''}, 'servicesConf': [{'key': 'user_manual', 'value': ''}], 'userManuals': [{'url': '', 'icon': None, 'desc': 'User Manual', 'lang': 'en'}]} 2024-05-27 07:09:42.202 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] found device with model DR-HCF001S 2024-05-27 07:09:42.202 WARNING (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] Unknown fan or heater model: DR-HCF001S 2024-05-27 07:09:42.202 DEBUG (SyncWorker_7) [pydreo] {'deviceId': '1769274833431957506', 'sn': '1706512872524279810-150f28ec46b7b969:001:0000000000w', 'brand': 'Dreo', 'model': 'DR-HCF001S', 'productId': '1706512872524279810', 'productName': 'Ceiling Fan', 'deviceName': 'Master Bedroom Ceiling Fan', 'shared': False, 'series': None, 'seriesName': 'CLF521S', 'color': 'w', 'controlsConf': {'template': 'DR-HCF001S', 'lottie': {'key': 'poweron', 'frames': [{'value': 0, 'frame': [0]}, {'value': 1, 'frame': [2]}]}, 'schedule': {'modes': []}, 'cards': [{'type': 6, 'title': 'home_bedtime_light', 'icon': 'ic_bedtime_light', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/bedtimelight?deviceSn=${sn}', 'show': True, 'key': ''}, {'type': 8, 'title': '', 'icon': '', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/schedule?deviceSn={sn}', 'show': True, 'key': ''}, {'type': 6, 'title': 'device_settings_title', 'icon': 'ic_setting', 'image': '', 'url': 'dreo://nav/device/setting?deviceSn=${sn}', 'show': True, 'key': 'setting'}], 'feature': {'schedule': {'enable': '', 'localSupport': True, 'module': [{'type': 'HeFi', 'version': '0.0.1'}]}}, 'preference': [{'id': '200', 'type': 'Panel Sound', 'title': 'dev_ctrl_audio_feedback', 'image': 'ic_mute', 'reverse': True, 'cmd': 'muteon'}], 'control': [{'id': '110', 'type': 'Speed', 'title': 'device_control_speed', 'items': [{'text': '1', 'cmd': 'windlevel', 'value': 1}, {'text': '12', 'cmd': 'windlevel', 'value': 12}]}, {'id': '130', 'type': 'CFFan', 'title': 'base_fan', 'cmd': 'fanon', 'items': [{'text': 'base_reverse', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_cf_mode_reverse', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#FFBB33'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 4, 'toast': 'dev_ctrl_reverse_toast'}, {'text': 'device_fans_mode_straight', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_normal_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#25D7E4'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 1}, {'text': 'device_fans_mode_natural', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_natural_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#2CDD96'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 2}, {'text': 'device_control_mode_sleep', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'image': 'ic_sleep_wind', 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#6249DF'], 'cmd': 'mode', 'value': 3}, {'text': 'base_auto', 'image': 'ic_auto_wind', 'cmd': 'mode', 'textColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#D5D6D7'], 'imageColors': ['#D5D6D7', '#6249DF'], 'value': 5}]}, {'id': '140', 'type': 'CFLight', 'title': 'device_control_light', 'cmd': 'lighton', 'items': [{'type': 'light', 'text': 'device_fans_mode_natural', 'image': 'ic_cf_light', 'cmd': 'brightness', 'maxValue': 100, 'minValue': 1}, {'type': 'color', 'text': 'device_control_mode_sleep', 'image': 'ic_color_bar', 'cmd': 'colortemp', 'maxValue': 100, 'minValue': 0}]}], 'category': 'Ceiling Fan', 'version': {'minControlVer': '2.6.2', 'minPairingVer': '2.6.2'}, 'setting': [{'text': 'Firmware Version', 'image': 'image.png', 'value': '1.0.0', 'url': 'dreo://control'}]}, 'mainConf': {'isSmart': True, 'isWifi': True, 'isBluetooth': True, 'isVoiceControl': True}, 'resourcesConf': {'imageSmallSrc': '', 'imageFullSrc': '', 'imageSmallDarkSrc': '', 'imageFullDarkSrc': ''}, 'servicesConf': [{'key': 'user_manual', 'value': ''}], 'userManuals': [{'url': '', 'icon': None, 'desc': 'User Manual', 'lang': 'en'}]} 2024-05-27 07:09:42.206 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] Device dict is: {'fans': [], 'heaters': []} 2024-05-27 07:09:42.207 DEBUG (MainThread) [dreo] Platforms are: [] 2024-05-27 07:09:42.210 INFO (DreoWebSocketStream) [pydreo] Starting WebSocket for incoming changes and commands. 2024-05-27 07:09:42.520 INFO (DreoWebSocketStream) [pydreo] WebSocket successfully opened 2024-05-27 07:09:42.521 DEBUG (DreoWebSocketStream) [pydreo] CommandTransport::_ws_consumer_handler 2024-05-27 07:09:42.521 DEBUG (DreoWebSocketStream) [pydreo] _ws_ping_handler 2024-05-27 07:09:49.383 WARNING (MainThread) [homeassistant.helpers.frame] Detected that custom integration 'hacs' accesses hass.helpers.event. This is deprecated and will stop working in Home Assistant 2024.11, it should be updated to import functions used from event directly at custom_components/hacs/, line 642: self.hass.helpers.event.async_track_time_interval(, please create a bug report at

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67jeffh commented 1 month ago

Thank you for the quick response!

Not supported by DREO or Home Assistant?

JeffSteinbok commented 3 weeks ago

Not supported by the HA Integration. If you'd like me to try to add support, please see the README and file a new request.

67jeffh commented 3 weeks ago

Thank you Jeff! And thank you for this integration, much appreciated!

I had tried that with issue #103 which was also a duplicate of Issue #86 and they are showing closed. I still don't see them in the DREO integration however.

Thank you!