JeffWang987 / OpenOccupancy

[ICCV 2023] OpenOccupancy: A Large Scale Benchmark for Surrounding Semantic Occupancy Perception
Apache License 2.0
551 stars 49 forks source link

OccDefaultFormatBundle3D #33

Closed liurob2000 closed 1 year ago

liurob2000 commented 1 year ago

@JeffWang987 Thanks for your work. I'd like to know OccDefaultFormatBundle3D only works on 'gt_occ', right?

JeffWang987 commented 1 year ago

Yes, for now, OccDefaultFormatBundle3D only works on 'gt_occ'.

liurob2000 commented 12 months ago

Thank you for your reply. Since I am a newcomer of mmcv, could you please tell me why results[img_input] is not transferred to DataContainer and why img_metas such as occ_size need to be transferred ?