JeffersonLab / HDGeant4

Geant4 simulation for the GlueX experiment
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inconsistent results generated by genBH #180

Closed rjones30 closed 3 years ago

rjones30 commented 3 years ago

From Mark Dalton, Jan 20, 2021, 10:47 AM

I am trying to look at the kinematics of the events from the genBH generator to determine, amongst other things, which form factor parametrization is most appropriate. Here I look at the values of Q2, ν and x and the correlations.

I started with 50M events that I had already simulated some months ago using genBH. Q2 and ν are both very small and I get different values if I use the target proton and recoil proton or if I use the beam photon and the 2 leptons. Both ν and Q2 have both positive and negative values. Might these issues be due to round off in the event storage?

Most of the events came with negative ν, so I flipped the sign of ν. I don't know why I needed to flip the sign perhaps a mistake on my part—but I did double check the algebra. My default algebra was done with the root class TLorentzVector which makes it easy but I cannot check for roundoff issues internally. Ι then eliminated any events where Q2 or ν were negative and plotted log of them in an effort to get an idea of our distribution. The first plot shows 2 correlations, Q2 vs ν and Q2 vs x, on top are the number of generated events and on the bottom are the events after weighting. The second plot is the distributions of Q2, ν and x unweighted (top) and weighted (bottom.)

As you can see, x has values greater than 1, which is not physical for a proton. The weighted histogram shows that the events are clustered "around” x=1, which would make sense if they are elastic and we have some roundoff or resolution issues somewhere. I would therefore say that most of the events come with Q2 ~ 4x10-7 and ν ~ 2x10-7. The abrupt cutoff at values a bit higher than this is something that I cannot explain either.

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rjones30 commented 3 years ago

Mark shared with me the location of a subset of his genBH sample, which I found at this location: /work/halld/home/dalton/data/GDH/mcwrapper/hddm/dana_rest_genBH_sampweight_1e7041563[000-499].hddm I found 20k events in each hddm file x 500 files = 10M events. The following code was used to generate the same 1D plots as Mark shows above. My results are very different from Mark's, as shown in the 6 plots below that mirror his. Here are my primary observations.

  1. x is always 1, as it must be for elastic scattering.
  2. because x=1 we must have Q2=2 m_proton nu, so Q2 and nu are identical apart from the units
  3. the sign of nu and Q2 is always the same, and always positive, unlike what Mark saw with his code
  4. there is an anomaly with these special events piling up at Q2=1e-12 GeV^2, but this seems to be unrelated to what Mark showed.
  5. there is no cutoff in Q2, as Simon said, the Q2 extends well above 1 GeV^2 and extends up to the kinematic limit for this beam energy.
 # - utilities to study the genBH generator bugs reported by
 #               Mark Dalton in January, 2021.
 # author: richard.t.jones at
 # version: february 3, 2021

 import ROOT
 import glob
 import numpy as np
 import hddm_r

 mElectron = 0.51099895e-3 # GeV/c^2
 mProton = 0.93827208816 # GeV/c^2

 hQ2 = ROOT.TH1D("hQ2", "", 100, -15, 2)
 hnu = ROOT.TH1D("hnu", "", 100, -15, 2)
 hx = ROOT.TH1D("hx", "", 100, -15, 2)
 wQ2 = ROOT.TH1D("wQ2", "", 100, -15, 2)
 wnu = ROOT.TH1D("wnu", "", 100, -15, 2)
 wx = ROOT.TH1D("wx", "", 100, -15, 2)
 log10 = np.log(10)
 for infile in glob.glob("MD-1-2021/*"):
    for rec in hddm_r.istream(infile):
       rea = rec.getReactions()
       prods = rec.getProducts()
       if len(prods) != 3:
       nppho = np.array([rea[0].Ebeam, 0, 0, rea[0].Ebeam])
       nptar = np.array([mProton, 0, 0, 0])
       pele = prods[0].getMomentum()
       npele = np.array([pele.E, pele.px,, pele.pz])
       ppos = prods[1].getMomentum()
       nppos = np.array([ppos.E, ppos.px,, ppos.pz])
       prec = prods[2].getMomentum()
       nprec = np.array([prec.E, prec.px,, prec.pz])
       Q2 = ((nptar[1] - nprec[1])**2 + (nptar[2] - nprec[2])**2 +
             (nptar[3] - nprec[3])**2 - (nptar[0] - nprec[0])**2)
       prec2 = nprec[1]**2 + nprec[2]**2 + nprec[3]**2
       if prec2 / mProton < 1e-3:
          nu = (nprec[1]**2 + nprec[2]**2 + nprec[3]**2) / (2 * mProton)
          nu = nprec[0] - nptar[0]
       x = Q2 / (2 * mProton * nu)
       wgt = rea[0].weight
       wQ2.Fill(np.log(Q2)/log10, wgt)
       wnu.Fill(np.log(nu)/log10, wgt)
       wx.Fill(np.log(x)/log10, wgt)

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rjones30 commented 3 years ago

The plots shown by Mark D. above were generated using a modified version of genBH that incorporates the photon beam energy distribution of the Hall D beam. The version of genBH that is provide in the HDGeant4/src/utils directory is written for a fixed incident photon energy, set by a commandline option, the same for all generated events in a run of the generator. Support for Bethe Heitler generation in the GlueX detector using a realistic model of the Hall D coherent bremsstrahlung photon beam is already provided in the hdgeant4 simulation itself, so incorporating that capability into genBH would be redundant.

In this test, I run the version of genBH that comes as part of the HDGeant4 master branch, with a fixed beam energy of 9 GeV. The point of this test is to see if I can reproduce the anomaly that shows up as a peak in Q2 (and nu) at around 1e-12 GeV^2. I ran a simulation with a fixed photon beam energy of 9GeV, and simulated 1000M (one billion) Bethe Heitler events with the stock release of genBH. Below I plot the unweighted and weighted generated distributions of Q2 and nu. As expected, the distributions of Q2 and nu are indistinguishable (apart from the scale factor of 2m), and no anomalous spike appears. The slight rise in the weighted distributions at high Q2 [nu] is a consequence of the expanded phase space at large values of the e+e- pair invariant mass that opens up at large Q2. No minimum pair mass cut was imposed for this test simulation.

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rjones30 commented 3 years ago

There has been no further reports of follow-up on this issue. The above results indicate that genBH is behaving as it should, and the problems lie in some combination of the user's analysis code and customization to the user's version of genBH that has taken place outside the Master branch. I am closing this issue.