JeffersonLab / JANA2

Multi-threaded HENP Event Reconstruction
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Non-standard installation of plugins to `<prefix>/plugins` may lead to conflicts #136

Open wdconinc opened 2 years ago

wdconinc commented 2 years ago

Currently JANA2 installs plugins into the <prefix>/plugins directory. This directory that could resolve (for system-wide installs) to e.g. /usr/plugins which is non-standard and can lead to conflicts when generic names such as, or are used, where the full path does not include any reference to JANA2. (Naming libraries as <name>.so without the lib prefix appears to be acceptable in dedicated plugin directories.) This affects downstream projects such as EICrecon as well and prevents multiple independent downstream projects from installing identically-named plugins into the same prefix. This is particularly relevant for environments like eic-shell which uses spack views to install into /usr/local and will fail upon collisions.

A brief search indicates that the following locations are used by other packages:

There are a few other files which may lead to collisions as well:

faustus123 commented 2 years ago

We'll look into this. Historically, it was never a good idea to install this type of software in /usr or even /usr/local. However, with containerization, it seems much less problematic.

wdconinc commented 2 years ago

it was never a good idea

And why not, actually? Generally this has been avoided because it requires adhering to some standards, being somewhat organized, and figuring out some things in the interest of user experience. For as long as have been involved in software development at JLab I have found it very useful to make sure everything can be installed in /usr/local, and that users don't need to do anything beyond running the command that lives in /usr/local/bin. That includes making sure that that software finds resources in /usr/local/share etc, or in ~/.local or ./ if available. When we have been doing things that no other linux program does, I like to think about what the reasons are, and what we lose by doing what we do.

faustus123 commented 2 years ago

The main issues are:

  1. A very large fraction of the work is done on central machines where users cannot write to /usr/ or /usr/local
  2. It is important to maintain multiple versions of the software and writing to /usr/local/bin does not support this

The /usr and /usr/local system is really designed for user-level software, not developer environments. The software in our field has been largely needed as a developer environment. Even with ROOT on my laptop, I have several versions simultaneously which simply would not work if they were all trying to install in /usr/local

Having said that, containers are a different story. It is effectively like having many different computers, each having to support only a single set of software versions. There, the single directory tree installation structure is much more reasonable.

nathanwbrei commented 2 years ago

I definitely don't recommend people do system installs of JANA, (or any scientific software for that matter, particularly any scientific software that has transitive dependencies on both Python and ROOT... In fact I prefer not linking against any system libraries in most cases.) If the user doesn't provide a CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX or a JANA_HOME environment variable, JANA's build system will default to installing it in CMAKE_BUILD_DIR/install rather than /usr/local.

That being said, we don't disallow users from installing in /usr/local if that's what they really want to do. However they have to say so explicitly. I think that installing plugins in <prefix>/plugins/JANA/ to avoid conflicts is a good idea. It's easy to add that to the default plugin search path. The main downside I see is that changing the default install location would be a breaking change, so we should hold off on it for a bit so as not to disrupt everyone's EICrecon work.

wdconinc commented 2 years ago

I install all scientific software into spack environment views equivalent to /usr/local (with maximal rpath linking and any linking against system libraries limited to libc). That approach avoids your concerns (and is used widely in HPC environments or e.g. CERN LCG views), yet also leads to conflicts here.

You have to stop thinking that JANA2 is something each user will install themselves; they won't (regardless of containers or cvmfs or central system install on a JLab group disk). There will be system administrators and software librarians who will have to roll this out for others. Installing stacks of software in a single prefix is very common, and /usr/local is just a shorthand for that because the prefix will usually be very different. But it behaves like /usr/local.

faustus123 commented 2 years ago

I'm pretty sure we arguing completely different things at this point. Re-reading Wouter's original post, I believe his concern is regarding the directory structure under being compatible with other packages that are also installing under . The /usr/local business is just a red herring.

The main requests here are:

  1. plugins should install to <prefix>/lib/JANA/plugins instead of just <prefix>/plugins
  2. files like catch.hpp should not be installed, but more generally, any headers JANA2 installs should be under <prefix>/include/JANA. This means they are all kept in a JANA-specific part of the directory tree. This will, BTW affect the header files for all plugins which are currently installed in directories named after the plugins at the <prefix>/include level. The main drawback there is that a users incorporating headers from installed plugins, would need to do:
#include "JANA/<plugin_name>/file.h"

instead of

#include "<plugin_name>/file.h"

where the former is a little misleading since that file does not exist under the JANA directory in the source tree, Alternatively, we could install the directories for all plugin headers under <prefix>/include/JANA/plugins and just have user code add that to the search path in addition to <prefix>/include. Then they could do:

#include "JANA/JEventProcessor.h"
#include "<plugin_name>/file.h"

I'm not 100% sure the best way to handle this, but I do agree tightening thing up so JANA can play nicely with other packages installed in the same <prefix> will be a good thing.

nathanwbrei commented 3 weeks ago

Pretty much all of the discussion here is incorporated into PR #330. Several loose ends to consider:

@faustus123 @DraTeots