Closed amschertz closed 7 months ago
It seems like a little bug that at line 1742 of MakeMC.csh, the variable $ana_pre
is always examined , while it is defined only when "$CUSTOM_ANA_PLUGINS" != "None"
. It seems a bit strange that usually line 1742 would find itself satisfied before even having to examine ana_pre and the script doesn't complain, but when it happened without a defined $CUSTOM_ANA_PLUGINS
as in Amy's case, the variableana_pre
is called but found not defined.
Actually, maybe ana_pre
isn't critical. I see that I get the same warning on the command line but it'll generate the MC without failing
I'm also getting failures in batch mode but mine are different. I used git checkout bf1475025e666fc1134960913c654798d4536efb
because I thought this would give me Justin's endif fix, but maybe there's an internal path that was circumvented. My jobs are all failing immediately after running gen-amp, with
else: endif not found.
@amschertz, it looks like you've defined CUSTOM_PLUGINS=file:/work/halld2/home/aschertz/myanalysis/batch/simulation/jana_5pi.conf
in your MC.config file, but you may need to use define CUSTOM_ANA_PLUGINS
instead to specify what JANA configuration to run for the analysis part of the job (making trees) instead of the reconstruction piece (making REST files)
@nsjarvis, that was the symptom I saw before I fixed it with this PR Have you tried just using the master? I think all the updates you need are there.
@jrstevenjlab I tried again, but now there is a new problem, cannot contact xrootd.
ls: cannot access root:// No such file or directory
ls: cannot access root:// Connection refused
followed by some nasty looking messages from rcdb eg in /work/halld/njarvis/makeMC/phi_v68_newmc/output/log/30784_stderr.30784_2.err
@nsjarvis Hi Naomi, I think the issue here has nothing to do with xrootd. It might test a few connections and find it does not have them, but the actual issue is that it seems like you use an old MakeMC.(c)sh file from before the addition of gen_amp_V2 together with an from after the addition. Am I right to think, that you use /work/halld/njarvis/makeMC/phi_v68_newmc/MC_2k.config for the submission? There you set up your environment with MCWrapper 2.8.0. But you probably submit with your own from the master branch? The easiest fix would probably to set the CUSTOM_MAKEMC to the MakeMC file from the master branch as well.
@amschertz Hi Amy, is your problem resolved? I was able to run your MC.config file in tcsh (what you used for your job) without errors, but I also noticed that it already contained the line Justin suggested.
I did get an error when running in bash though. There is a whitespace missing, I will add it shortly.
@s6pepaul Hi Peter, yeah, it seems to be. I added the line that Justin mentioned and my MC seems to have generated without issues. Thanks!
@s6pepaul Hi Peter, I didn't reference 2.8.0 anywhere. I think the problem is that I am using the from my downloaded master, and that is internally calling $MCWRAPPER_CENTRAL which is set to 2.8.0 by my gx version set. Maybe that is what you meant. I did wonder when I first tried this, if all the paths would be switched just by changing the py location: nope.
What if I just change $MCWRAPPER_CENTRAL to where I put my github clone?
Yes, that is what I meant. The version set that is setting up your environment on the batch node is using 2.8.0. So you could either set CUSTOM_MAKEMC to your local GitHub clone of the master branch, or change your version set to point to that version of MCWrapper.
it's running nicely now, thanks.
I'm getting an issue where I can generate 100 events on the command line and it'll work fine, but if I try to generate MC using the same configuration in batch mode, I get a
error. From the logfiles it looks like the variableana_pre
is undefined, but I don't know if that's enough to cause the job to fail, or what I should change to fix it. I'd appreciate any help. For reference, my MCWrapper config file is located at/work/halld2/home/aschertz/myanalysis/batch/simulation/MC.config
, and examples of the output files are at/volatile/halld/home/aschertz/simulation/ver06/omegapi_deltaPlusPlus_phasespace_2017_01_ver06/log/30496_std*