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VQwDataHandler constructed and to-be-filled tree name could be inconsistent if prefix is specified #248

Closed leafybillow closed 4 years ago

leafybillow commented 4 years ago

I was trying to enable run summary tree output for datahandlers. A few problems are observed in datahandlers. The first two are related with output tree entries. The last point proposes a possible way to enable mulc summary tree and tested with PREX run 4978 in develop branch using prompt config : ./build/qwparity -r 4978 -c prex_prompt.conf

Similar issue seems to happen in LRBcorrelator and burst tree output. The accumulating method for QwCorrelator causes ' number divided by zero error ' and probably related with not checking ErrorFlag. LRBCorrelator+burst feature may be still under development, so I didn't make further changes in them.

So, this post only works for run summary output for combiners, eg mulc.

1. VQwDataHandler constructed and to-be-filled tree name could be inconsistent if prefix is specified

VQwDataHandler:ConstructTreeBranches function doesn't re-assign tree name with prefix and FillTreeBranches function uses bare tree name, which will result in empty tree and filling incorrect target tree. For example, in develop branch, it creates "burst_mulc" tree but entries are filled to "mulc". Together with the second bullet below. "mulc" tree has extra 5 events than "mul" tree and empty "burst_mulc" , see below snapshot

Screenshot from 2019-10-13 13-36-58crop

Also, QwVQWK_Channel extracts prefix upto "|" marker, so order between fPrefix and branchprefix needs to be swapped so that fPrefix is preserved Fixed in commit 8228674f1934e726b549e2de331ed575a37e44ef

2. In develop branch, datahandlerarray evt and mul fill duplicate events at the end of run

See in the snapshot, the last two rows showing the same values

Screenshot from 2019-10-13 15-15-39crop

Fixed in commit 724bc1605b5b8b58dcd3b21b68d3ecf226f72a71 and note that this problem doesn't exist in operations branch.

3. A few modifications needed to enable run summary tree output for combiners correctly

Current DataHandler's AccumulateRunningSum() method is not checking ErrorFlag and accumulates all events. I assume we only want to accumulate good combiner events and proposed a possible solution in commit 45e769763459ec50df658d91daa7bb6b78f5a533 . LRBCorrelator may have similar issue with its AccumulateRunningSum() method and burst tree is still under test, I am not confident to make further changes.