JeffersonLab / remoll

Simulations for the MOLLER Experiment at Jefferson Lab,
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mg5 generator issue summary... #185

Open wdconinc opened 5 years ago

wdconinc commented 5 years ago

Environment: (where does this bug occur, have you tried other environments)

Steps to reproduce: (give a step by step account of how to trigger the bug)

  1. cd generators/MG5/ee && mg5_aNL proc_card_mg5_ee_ee.dat
  2. cd ee_ee && bin/generate_events run_01 -f
  3. gunzip Events/run_01/unweighted_events.lhe.gz
  4. lhef2hepmc Events/run_01/unweighted_events.lhe Events/run_01/unweighted_events.hepmc
  5. build/remoll macros/hepmc/ee_ee.mac
  6. build/reroot -l remollout_ee_ee.root
  7. T->Draw("")

Expected Result: (what do you expect when you execute the steps above)

wdconinc commented 5 years ago

Fixed target cuts ala are hard to maintain with upgrades to mg5. Probably needs a patch file to update the in Source and cuts.f in SubProcess, which needs to be applied before bin/generate_events.

wdconinc commented 5 years ago

The nan in the MG5 output is not cross section but alpha_s which is indeed undefined below Lambda_QCD which is where we are when moller scattering (based on Mandelstam s).

Cuts on CM angle are better implemented through pT, not eta. That works as expected now.