JeffreyBenjaminBrown / hode

rslt, take five-ish
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Telescopic Text/StretchText for Hode? #2

Open no-identd opened 5 years ago

no-identd commented 5 years ago

I just found this tool(via, and immediately like this kind of interface could work extremely well for a lot forms of data entry as well as browsing for Hode. (Doubly so since I had imagined this kind of interface numerous times in the past, and never found anything like it, despite searching!)

And, surprise, surprise (no really, this actually did surprise the hell out of me!), this led me to learn that Ted Nelson came up with that idea first, too:

JeffreyBenjaminBrown commented 5 years ago

Nice! I agree, allowing someone to navigate within expressions and unfold sub-expressions would be great. Also letting someone provide rules for what kinds of expressions to fold or unfold by default.

no-identd commented 5 years ago


As for rules: I suspect one might do this very crudely and hacky at first: A fold node and an unfold node, and a folded and an unfolded node. Connect appropriately. The rest of some form of semantics for it probably fall in place. (Albeit note that one could also split it into 'un', 'fold', 'ed', or similar, but that might bring along some unwanted baggage.)