Personalized and hand-built RSS feeds pointing to Bandcamp featuring aggregated updates on releases from those you are following, Wishlist updates, and Collection updates (purchases) with a reach goal of following updates, all compounded daily into 1 RSS feed with a summary of daily updates.
Now that we have the followers updating, we can take that information and look for new releases from those followed artists.
Here's what we need to do:
Take the SSPF from the followers update RSS thing and loop through each artist link
In each artist link, parse the page to find links to releases, and add those releases to an SSF
The first run should return all releases from all followed artists, which is fine
Before adding the link to the SSF, check to see if the link already exists in the SSF, and if it does, don't change the SSF. If the link is new and this is a new release. Store the link in memory and continue until reading through all artists, then update the SSF
The SSF will be for all artists with no distinction between them, but if we detect 2 releases from the same artist, they should be listed next to each other in the SSF
Aggregate the SSF into a new section of the main RSS feed, outputting just the links and relying on discord's embed magic
Integrate with MonitoRSS to get the updates posted in the #bandcamp-updates channel
Now that we have the followers updating, we can take that information and look for new releases from those followed artists.
Here's what we need to do: