JeffreyWay / Laravel-Model-Validation

This Laravel package auto-validates a model on save.
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Generate recursive selection of data using with Eloquent ORM #12

Open sureshamk opened 10 years ago

sureshamk commented 10 years ago

After adding your package , its works fine on validation but when use to select a set data by ORM , i m getting large data as recursive , its make a application slow and needs more system usage to perform a operation.

I used the following Query

$data = Quotation::find($id)->first();

Its Prints as follow repeatedly (its not stop)

Quotation Object ( [table:protected] => quotation [errors:protected] => [validator:protected] => Illuminate\Validation\Factory Object ( [translator:protected] => Illuminate\Translation\Translator Object ( [loader:protected] => Illuminate\Translation\FileLoader Object ( [files:protected] => Illuminate\Filesystem\Filesystem Object ( ) [path:protected] => 
E:\live\xampp\htdocs\Projects\ERP2\laravel4\app/lang [hints:protected] => Array ( [datatables] => E:\live\xampp\htdocs\Projects\ERP2\laravel4\vendor\bllim\datatables\src/lang ) ) [locale:protected] => en [fallback:protected] => [loaded:protected] => Array ( ) [parsed:protected] => Array ( ) ) [verifier:protected] => Illuminate\Validation\DatabasePresenceVerifier Object ( [db:protected] => Illuminate\Database\DatabaseManager Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object ( [booted:protected] => 1 [bootingCallbacks:protected] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [instance] => Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => 1 [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) ) [bootedCallbacks:protected] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [app] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [me] => Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) ) [this] => Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) ) [1] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [app] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [env] => production ) ) ) 
[finishCallbacks:protected] => Array ( ) [shutdownCallbacks:protected] => Array ( ) [middlewares:protected] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [class] => Illuminate\Http\FrameGuard [parameters] => Array ( ) ) ) [serviceProviders:protected] => Array ( [0] => Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [1] => Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [2] => Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => 
Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [3] => Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [4] => Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [5] => Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => 
Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [6] => Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [7] => Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [8] => Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [9] => Illuminate\Workbench\WorkbenchServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [10] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [11] => Bllim\Datatables\DatatablesServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [12] => Barryvdh\DomPDF\ServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [13] => Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => 1 [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [14] => Illuminate\Log\LogServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => 1 [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [15] => Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => 1 [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [16] => Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => 1 [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) ) [loadedProviders:protected] => Array ( [Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Workbench\WorkbenchServiceProvider] => 1 [Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider] => 1 [Bllim\Datatables\DatatablesServiceProvider] => 1 [Barryvdh\DomPDF\ServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Log\LogServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider] => 1 [Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider] => 1 ) [deferredServices:protected] => Array ( [artisan] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider [command.changes] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider [command.environment] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ArtisanServiceProvider [auth] => Illuminate\Auth\AuthServiceProvider [cache] => Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider [] => Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider [memcached.connector] => Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider [command.cache.clear] => Illuminate\Cache\CacheServiceProvider [command.session.database] => Illuminate\Session\CommandsServiceProvider [command.command.make] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [composer] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.dump-autoload] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.key.generate] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.up] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.down] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.optimize] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.clear-compiled] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [asset.publisher] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.asset.publish] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [config.publisher] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.config.publish] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [view.publisher] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.view.publish] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [migration.publisher] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.migrate.publish] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.routes] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.serve] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.tinker] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.queue.failed] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.queue.retry] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.queue.forget] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.queue.flush] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.queue.failed-table] => Illuminate\Foundation\Providers\ConsoleSupportServiceProvider [command.controller.make] => Illuminate\Routing\ControllerServiceProvider [hash] => Illuminate\Hashing\HashServiceProvider [html] => Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider [mailer] => Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider [swift.mailer] => Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider [swift.transport] => Illuminate\Mail\MailServiceProvider [migrator] => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider [migration.repository] => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider [command.migrate] => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider [command.migrate.rollback] => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider [command.migrate.reset] => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider [command.migrate.refresh] => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider [command.migrate.install] => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider [migration.creator] => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider [command.migrate.make] => Illuminate\Database\MigrationServiceProvider [paginator] => Illuminate\Pagination\PaginationServiceProvider [queue] => Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider [queue.worker] => Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider [queue.listener] => Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider [queue.failer] => Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider [] => Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider [command.queue.listen] => Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider [command.queue.subscribe] => Illuminate\Queue\QueueServiceProvider [redis] => Illuminate\Redis\RedisServiceProvider [remote] => Illuminate\Remote\RemoteServiceProvider [auth.reminder] => Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\ReminderServiceProvider [auth.reminder.repository] => Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\ReminderServiceProvider [command.auth.reminders] => Illuminate\Auth\Reminders\ReminderServiceProvider [seeder] => Illuminate\Database\SeedServiceProvider [command.seed] => Illuminate\Database\SeedServiceProvider [translation.loader] => Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider [validation.presence] => Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider ) [resolved:protected] => Array ( [events] => 1 [request] => 1 [path.base] => 1 [path] => 1 [exception] => 1 [exception.plain] => 1 [exception.debug] => 1 [whoops] => 1 [whoops.handler] => 1 [env] => 1 [config] => 1 [] => 1 [encrypter] => 1 [cookie] => 1 [session] => 1 [files] => 1 [db] => 1 [db.factory] => 1 [translator] => 1 [translation.loader] => 1 [view] => 1 [view.engine.resolver] => 1 [view.finder] => 1 [] => 1 [log] => 1 [app] => 1 [router] => 1 [form] => 1 [html] => 1 [url] => 1 [QtController] => 1 [blade.compiler] => 1 [validator] => 1 [validation.presence] => 1 ) [bindings:protected] => Array ( [events] => Array ( [concrete] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [closure] => Closure Object ( [this] => Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [parameter] => Array ( [$app] => ) ) [object] => Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher Object ( [container:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [listeners:protected] => Array ( [artisan.start] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => command.workbench ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Workbench\WorkbenchServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [1] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.model ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [2] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.view ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [3] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.controller ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [4] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.migration ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [5] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.seeder ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [6] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.pivot ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [7] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.resource ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [8] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.scaffold ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [9] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.publish-templates ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) ) ) [] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [router.before] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$request] => ) ) ) ) [router.after] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$request] => [$response] => ) ) ) ) [router.filter: auth] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [router.filter: auth.basic] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [router.filter: guest] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [router.filter: csrf] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [eloquent.saving: Quotation] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$model] => ) ) ) ) ) [wildcards:protected] => Array ( ) [sorted:protected] => Array ( [Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\View\ViewServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Workbench\WorkbenchServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Bllim\Datatables\DatatablesServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Barryvdh\DomPDF\ServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Translation\TranslationServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Log\LogServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Html\HtmlServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [router.before] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$request] => ) ) ) [router.matched] => Array ( ) [creating: layouts.base] => Array ( ) [illuminate.query] => Array ( ) [eloquent.booting: Quotation] => Array ( ) [eloquent.booted: Quotation] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Validation\ValidationServiceProvider] => Array ( ) ) [firing:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$container] => ) ) [shared] => ) [exception.plain] => Array ( [concrete] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [closure] => Closure Object ( [this] => Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [parameter] => Array ( [$app] => ) ) [object] => Illuminate\Exception\PlainDisplayer Object ( ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$container] => ) ) [shared] => ) [whoops.handler] => Array ( [concrete] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [closure] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [me] => Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) ) [object] => Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler Object ( [resourcesPath:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => E:\live\xampp\htdocs\Projects\ERP2\laravel4/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Exception/resources [extraTables:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => Array ( ) [pageTitle:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => Whoops! There was an error. [editor:protected] => sublime [editors:protected] => Array ( [sublime] => subl://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [textmate] => txmt://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [emacs] => emacs://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [macvim] => mvim://open/?url=file://%file&line=%line [xdebug] => Closure Object ( [this] => Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$file] => [$line] => ) ) ) [run:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => [inspector:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => [exception:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$container] => ) ) [shared] => ) [whoops] => Array ( [concrete] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [closure] => Closure Object ( [this] => Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [parameter] => Array ( [$app] => ) ) [object] => Whoops\Run Object ( [isRegistered:protected] => [allowQuit:protected] => [sendOutput:protected] => [sendHttpCode:protected] => 500 [handlerStack:protected] => Array ( [0] => Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler Object ( [resourcesPath:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => E:\live\xampp\htdocs\Projects\ERP2\laravel4/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Exception/resources [extraTables:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => Array ( ) [pageTitle:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => Whoops! There was an error. [editor:protected] => sublime [editors:protected] => Array ( [sublime] => subl://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [textmate] => txmt://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [emacs] => emacs://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [macvim] => mvim://open/?url=file://%file&line=%line [xdebug] => Closure Object ( [this] => Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$file] => [$line] => ) ) ) [run:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => [inspector:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => [exception:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => ) ) [silencedPatterns:protected] => Array ( ) [canThrowExceptions:Whoops\Run:private] => 1 ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$container] => ) ) [shared] => ) [exception.debug] => Array ( [concrete] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [closure] => Closure Object ( [this] => Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [parameter] => Array ( [$app] => ) ) [object] => Illuminate\Exception\WhoopsDisplayer Object ( [whoops:protected] => Whoops\Run Object ( [isRegistered:protected] => [allowQuit:protected] => [sendOutput:protected] => [sendHttpCode:protected] => 500 [handlerStack:protected] => Array ( [0] => Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler Object ( [resourcesPath:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => E:\live\xampp\htdocs\Projects\ERP2\laravel4/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Exception/resources [extraTables:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => Array ( ) [pageTitle:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => Whoops! There was an error. [editor:protected] => sublime [editors:protected] => Array ( [sublime] => subl://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [textmate] => txmt://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [emacs] => emacs://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [macvim] => mvim://open/?url=file://%file&line=%line [xdebug] => Closure Object ( [this] => Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$file] => [$line] => ) ) ) [run:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => [inspector:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => [exception:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => ) ) [silencedPatterns:protected] => Array ( ) [canThrowExceptions:Whoops\Run:private] => 1 ) [runningInConsole:protected] => ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$container] => ) ) [shared] => ) [exception] => Array ( [concrete] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [closure] => Closure Object ( [this] => Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [parameter] => Array ( [$app] => ) ) [object] => Illuminate\Exception\Handler Object ( [responsePreparer:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [plainDisplayer:protected] => Illuminate\Exception\PlainDisplayer Object ( ) [debugDisplayer:protected] => Illuminate\Exception\WhoopsDisplayer Object ( [whoops:protected] => Whoops\Run Object ( [isRegistered:protected] => [allowQuit:protected] => [sendOutput:protected] => [sendHttpCode:protected] => 500 [handlerStack:protected] => Array ( [0] => Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler Object ( [resourcesPath:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => E:\live\xampp\htdocs\Projects\ERP2\laravel4/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Exception/resources [extraTables:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => Array ( ) [pageTitle:Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler:private] => Whoops! There was an error. [editor:protected] => sublime [editors:protected] => Array ( [sublime] => subl://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [textmate] => txmt://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [emacs] => emacs://open?url=file://%file&line=%line [macvim] => mvim://open/?url=file://%file&line=%line [xdebug] => Closure Object ( [this] => Whoops\Handler\PrettyPageHandler Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$file] => [$line] => ) ) ) [run:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => [inspector:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => [exception:Whoops\Handler\Handler:private] => ) ) [silencedPatterns:protected] => Array ( ) [canThrowExceptions:Whoops\Run:private] => 1 ) [runningInConsole:protected] => ) [debug:protected] => 1 [handlers:protected] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$exception] => [$code] => ) ) ) [handled:protected] => Array ( ) ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [parameter] => Array ( [$container] => ) ) [shared] => ) [router] => Array ( [concrete] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [closure] => Closure Object ( [this] => Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider Object ( [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [defer:protected] => ) [parameter] => Array ( [$app] => ) ) [object] => Illuminate\Routing\Router Object ( [events:protected] => Illuminate\Events\Dispatcher Object ( [container:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* [listeners:protected] => Array ( [artisan.start] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => command.workbench ) ) [this] => Illuminate\Workbench\WorkbenchServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [1] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.model ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [2] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.view ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [3] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.controller ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [4] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.migration ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [5] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.seeder ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [6] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.pivot ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [7] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.resource ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [8] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.scaffold ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) [9] => Closure Object ( [static] => Array ( [commands] => Array ( [0] => generate.publish-templates ) ) [this] => Way\Generators\GeneratorsServiceProvider Object ( [defer:protected] => [app:protected] => Illuminate\Foundation\Application Object *RECURSION* ) [parameter] => Array ( [$artisan] => ) ) ) ) [] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [router.before] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$request] => ) ) ) ) [router.after] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$request] => [$response] => ) ) ) ) [router.filter: auth] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [router.filter: auth.basic] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [router.filter: guest] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [router.filter: csrf] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( ) ) ) [eloquent.saving: Quotation] => Array ( [0] => Array ( [0] => Closure Object ( [parameter] => Array ( [$model] => ) ) ) ) ) [wildcards:protected] => Array ( ) [sorted:protected] => Array ( [Illuminate\Events\EventServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Exception\ExceptionServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Routing\RoutingServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Cookie\CookieServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Database\DatabaseServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Encryption\EncryptionServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Filesystem\FilesystemServiceProvider] => Array ( ) [Illuminate\Session\SessionServiceProvider] => Array ( ) 

But Normal query like


Produce result nicely

stdClass Object
    [id] => 30
    [QuotationNumber] => REF0056
    [EnquiryNumber] => ENQ_124
    [created_date] => 2014-03-28
    [Status] => 1
    [PreparedBy] => suresh
    [ModifiedBy] => dfsffdsf
    [modified_date] => 2014-03-29
    [Comments] => dsfdfdffsfdsffsd
    [approved_date] => 2014-03-28
    [ApprovedBy] => sdsfsdf
    [VerifiedBy] => dsdsf
    [tandc] => 
    [ChosenSupplier] => sdfdsf
    [supplier_no] => 005
    [deleted_at] => 
    [created_at] => 2014-03-28 09:43:56
    [updated_at] => 2014-03-28 13:15:52

How can resolve this ?

NotARobit commented 10 years ago

Are you sure this is being caused by this package and not Eloquent itself. If you use Quotation extends Eloquent instead of Quotation extends Way\Database\Model do you still get the error?

I don't see how this package could affect an Eloquent find().