Jefreesujit / easyminer

A web based mining application that allows users to mine into any mining pools directly from browser
48 stars 24 forks source link

Ecrypted Code Found #6

Closed imskaaz closed 3 years ago

imskaaz commented 4 years ago

Encrypted code found, are this including hidden fees ?

Jefreesujit commented 4 years ago

Hi @imskaaz, Github uses trackers to find and prevent cryptojacking, if it finds any browser based mining code, it requests the users to take it down. So the encyrpted code is basically to mask the crypto mining code from the github trackers. And its just a base64 string, If you want just try to convert the base64 string to normal using atob(), you can see the actual code.

And to answer your question, no i don't take any fees as i built it for learning purpose. All i built is just a client, and the request would directly point to the mining pool and the address you specify, so there is no way i can take a cut out of it. :)