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A nice way to read books and comics from Jellyfin
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Folder layout #155

Open binarygeek119 opened 8 months ago

binarygeek119 commented 8 months ago

I have my libraries set up like this.

eBooks ---------------- author (j.k. Rowling) -----------------------------series -----------------------------------------book (harry potter) ----------------------------------------------------harry potter sorcerer stone.epub,harry potter sorcerer Stone.mp3

Magazines --------------------magazine series name (people) (mad) ---------------------------- mad issue #234, people issue 10/1999

Comics ----------------- series (Deadpool, spiderman) -------------------------------- arc (bronze age) ------------------------------------------ issue (Deadpool #15.cbz, spiderman #4)

I would like to be able to break down to smaller list based on what folder you enter

Clicking on j.k. rolwing only shows her books Then clicking on harry potter only shows book 1 - 7

The way I see the layout

  1. The where book are now becomes authors 2a.Collations then turns into authors 2b.Under this menu depth books turn to series 3a.After that collection turns to series 3b.Books turn to books again but only under that author and that series. I could also see a show all by author button under the collection/author "2a.". If you need help with what I'm going for I can make a doodle later.
Kara-Zor-El commented 8 months ago


I am not 100% sure what you are asking for here. Do you mind clarifying a bit more explaining the current behaviour an how it needs to be changed?

binarygeek119 commented 8 months ago

below is a link to the ui i was think. i recreated your layout quickly.

the first link is the layout you have now and my redesinged. here i have your layout. and mine. Library is where you can click and this drops you down in to that Library. you will only see that Library media. if you click comics you only see comics. Magazines only Magazines. etc. below the line just random items from all Libraries if you click on series "spiderman". it then only show you spiderman comics. below the line show random comics in the comic Library.

this would relay on the folder structure for breaking down. but basicly it give you finer control of finding what you want.

if i wanted to read harry potty 1. i would click ebooks > j.k. rowlin > harry potter > harry potter 1.epub

or if i wanted spiderman 3. i would Comics > spiderman > bronze age > spiderman 3.cbz

i hope i cleared that up a bit. let me know if im still not coming thought here of what i want. thanks.

Kara-Zor-El commented 8 months ago

Hey, love your idea. I can see how that might also be a desirable way of accessing things. I will look into it and get back to you because if I recall correctly there was a technical reason as to why I didn't do so originally