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Stored server selection - feature parity with login screen of current Jellyfin client #157

Open EpicNicks opened 5 months ago

EpicNicks commented 5 months ago

Successfully logged into servers would be saved to a list to be selected from a "other servers" subscreen on the login screen. A failed automatic connection attempt would bring the user to this subscreen so they don't have to enter the url each time.

The uses for this are:

Kara-Zor-El commented 5 months ago


That's a great idea. I've had something similar in mind for a while now. The issue is that the database we use (Isar) is about to launch v4 and doing that would require a database structural change for both this and then the new Isar sachems so I'ma do so in 1 go. Here's approximately the plan for the database change to support multiple servers
