JellyBookOrg / JellyBook

A nice way to read books and comics from Jellyfin
MIT License
498 stars 14 forks source link

Could not open the database #71

Closed killo3967 closed 1 year ago

killo3967 commented 1 year ago


I use a Samsung Galaxy Tab S7 with your APK. The installation was without any problem and the program start correctly. I have Jellyfin in a Windows 10 and could connect from this tablet and play movies, open books and comics, etc. So the firewall was correctly config.

But when i try to connect with your app, i have this message "Please wait while we fetch content from the database" and after a lot of time, 5 minites or so, appears a message (in red) on the screen:

Error: NoSuchMethodError: The getter 'data' was called on null. Receiver: null Tried calling: data

Then i check Jellyfin log and saw this:

[2023-05-23 23:15:25.677 +02:00] [INF] [70] Jellyfin.Server.Implementations.Users.UserManager: Authentication request for "XXXXXXXX" has succeeded. [2023-05-23 23:15:25.678 +02:00] [INF] [70] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Current/Max sessions for user "XXXXXXXX": 2/0 [2023-05-23 23:15:25.686 +02:00] [INF] [70] Emby.Server.Implementations.Session.SessionManager: Reissuing access token: "697c1d75f6d64f029d61fd8603db4ffc" [2023-05-23 23:24:16.421 +02:00] [WRN] [70] Jellyfin.Server.Middleware.ResponseTimeMiddleware: Slow HTTP Response from "" to "" in 0:08:50.3469716 with Status Code 200

Kara-Zor-El commented 1 year ago


I would love to help but I would need a bit more information. Please provide the version code of your jellyfin + any additional details. If you are using a reverse proxy, please say which one and what modifications you've made from the original configuration. also, could you perhaps provide a couple screenshots of what your library looks like. Have you tried reloading the app or any other troubleshooting steps? If so, what?

Thanks, Kara

killo3967 commented 1 year ago

Hi Kara.

I'm using Jellyfin version 10.8.9 under Windows 10 Pro 22H2. The instalation is in the C: drive with the database/cache/config/logs/etc in D: drive. Mi internal network is without reverse proxy. So i couldn't connect from internet. I tried to connect from my table ( to the server ( and also from other phones (all samsung's). I also tried to disabled the windows firewall, but the same problem.

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Kara-Zor-El commented 1 year ago

Hi, I just had a thought as to why this may be happening. Can you open up developer tools on your web browser, navigate to the network tab, filter by XHR (that makes it easier to find) find the one labeled "Views", go to the response tab and then send the response here? it should look something like this:

    "Items": [
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killo3967 commented 1 year ago

I think this is what you want.


Kara-Zor-El commented 1 year ago

Hi, that is a empty text file

killo3967 commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the problem. I think i have now. response.txt

Kara-Zor-El commented 1 year ago

Hi, sorry for the so late reply. Is it working in the latest update?

Kara-Zor-El commented 1 year ago

Closing due to inactivity