Jelmerro / Vieb

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Write command for other file types, and using custom path. #505

Open yosoymau opened 11 months ago

yosoymau commented 11 months ago

I wanted to have a way to save an image with a custom path so i extended the functionality of the :write command so that it allows you to download file types other than html, while letting you set a custom save path for them. I implemented this in a hacky way, but i think it works fine.

yosoymau commented 11 months ago

Hello! I've been thinking about this, and i don't think it's a good enough solution. It doesn't support urls that don't include a file extension. Is there a way to access something like content-type from the renderer, or to tell if a page is just loading a file? i thought about checking the child nodes of <body> and see if there's nothing else other than an image or other file being displayed but the problem there is that i don't know if its possible to know what the correct file extension should be, and also that kind of solution doesn't seem right to me. I haven't been able to come up with other ideas.