Jelmerro / Vieb

Vim Inspired Electron Browser - Vim bindings for the web by design
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Command history like in vim #560

Closed BoolmanO closed 2 months ago

BoolmanO commented 2 months ago


Addition or change I started using Vieb relatively recently, but I really like this browser and that's why I decided to open this issue. I suggest adding a history of commands, much like in Vim and Bash: up arrow - previous command in the list down arrow - next command. I really miss this functionality, I hope you have enough time to implement it :)

Jelmerro commented 2 months ago

Did you try <c-p> and <c-n>? These are mapped to commandHistoryPrevious and commandHistoryNext in command mode, and to exploreHistoryPrevious and exploreHistoryNext in explore mode. You can find help for command and epxlore mode at :h command and :h explore, both of which explain this basic functionality. If you want to jump to the action's help directly, you can do :h commandHistoryPrevious for example. The reason for not using the arrow keys is because those are used for suggestions already. If you meant a different kind of history, please let me know.

BoolmanO commented 2 months ago

Thank you very much for your answer, this is exactly what I need. Sorry ^)

Jelmerro commented 2 months ago

You're welcome, keep in mind you can always change the mappings if this is different than what you want using familiar :map commands.