Jems22 / fastlane-plugin-commit_android_version_bump

Commit a version bump of your Android project using fastlane.
MIT License
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Commit not working on Travis using Github OAuth API Token #3

Closed jtroest closed 7 years ago

jtroest commented 7 years ago

I am committing using this in my Fastfile: commit_android_version_bump( message: "Deploying version #{version}. [skip ci]", gradle_file_folder: "app", ) and I have set CI_USER_TOKEN=my github travis token as well as echo -e "machine\n login $CI_USER_TOKEN" >> ~/.netrc in my .travis.yml

It works fine on my local machine, probably because I have a local identity set up, but on Travis I am getting the empty ident name error: 21:00:36: --- Step: commit_android_version_bump ---

21:00:36: The commit_android_version_bump plugin will use gradle file at (app)! 21:00:36: $ git -C /home/travis/build/myapp/android_app/app rev-parse --show-toplevel 21:00:36: ▸ /home/travis/build/myapp/android_app 21:00:36: $ git -C /home/travis/build/myapp/android_app diff --name-only HEAD 21:00:36: ▸ app/build.gradle 21:00:36: $ git -C /home/travis/build/myapp/android_app ls-files --other --exclude-standard -- updated = app/build.gradle 21:00:36: $ git -C /home/travis/build/myapp/android_app add /home/travis/build/myapp/android_app/app/build.gradle 21:00:36: $ git -C /home/travis/build/myapp/android_app commit -m 'Testing Travis Fastlane commits [skip ci]' 21:00:36: ▸ *** Please tell me who you are. 21:00:36: ▸ Run 21:00:36: ▸ git config --global "" 21:00:36: ▸ git config --global "Your Name" 21:00:36: ▸ to set your account's default identity. 21:00:36: ▸ Omit --global to set the identity only in this repository. 21:00:36: ▸ fatal: empty ident name (for <travis@testing-.(none)>) not allowed 21:00:36: Exit status of command 'git -C /home/travis/build/myapp/android_app commit -m 'Testing Travis Fastlane commits [skip ci] '' was 128 instead of 0.

I am using a similar plugin for my iOS project where the same setup works. Is this not supported?

jtroest commented 7 years ago

Doh I forgot to add git config --global "Travis". Sorry about that!

Jems22 commented 7 years ago

:-) No problem. Pleased you've resolved your issue 👍