Jen-uis / Customer-Segmentation-Analysis

This repository contains project materials for the Spring 2024 STAT 208 class, specifically for Team 8. All materials are the property of Team 8, University of California, Riverside, A. Gary Anderson School of Management. Thank you for viewing our repository.
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Section III Part 3: Customer Segmentation Prediction (Classification) #19

Closed Jen-uis closed 3 months ago

Jen-uis commented 4 months ago

We used regression and regressor in the previous example, in this analysis, we are going to use classification to predict customer segments that is listed in train_data. However, this approach cannot be given an accuracy score as the test_data does not provide any segments to verify the accuracy. We are going to create a new column under test_data to see which customers are categorized in to which segments. Lets go:

Use of techniques: Logistic Regression / Random Forest Classifier / Gradient Boosting Classifier (Can possibly use Support Vector Machine, but we will verify how the first three techniques perform)

Jen-uis commented 4 months ago

Completed Customer-Segmentation-Prediction using Three methods:

  1. Logistic Regression
  2. Random Forest Classifier
  3. Gradient Boosting Classifier

For more information, check the latest updated Project-Code.ipynb.

Jen-uis commented 4 months ago

The results are in LogReg_Segmentation RFC_Segmentation GBC_Segmentation A 713 629 718 B 244 568 472 C 783 638 609 D 887 792 828

Seems like the consistency is very low. Looking for ways to test which methods can be trusted.

Jen-uis commented 4 months ago
Update: I used Cross-Validation methods to test which methods can achieve a higher score in predicting the target variable. Results are: Logistic Regression CV Random Forest Classifier CV Gradient Boosting Classifier CV
0.4954 0.4857 0.534

It seems like Gradient Boosting Classifier can return somewhat good results to predict the segmentation of a new customer.

Jen-uis commented 3 months ago

done with final review