JensLe97 / tech_knowl_edge_connect

Education app for learning and exchanging with others.
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Data Analysis and Generation #7

Open JensLe97 opened 2 months ago

JensLe97 commented 2 months ago


  1. Train/finetune text-to-text model: ask any knowledge question (science, homework, etc.)

    • Use this as a personal AI assistant (chat)
    • Private chat with other users (help of AI)
    • Group chat wither other users (help of AI)
  2. Train/finetune text-to-image model: ask model to generate postings for other users (comics, picture book, pictures for tasks, etc.)

    • Use this to add it to your own material collection
    • Post the generated content to others in form of reel/short
    • Comment/Like/Share content
  3. Train/finetune image-to-text model: ask to solve the tasks on a worksheet, explain the content

    • Use this as a help for your homework/knowledge base (upload and answer page)
    • Find a caption/description for the image
  4. Image-to-image model: ask to solve the tasks on a worksheet and edit the solution into the image

    • Use this as a help for your homework
  5. Image+Text-to-image: Ask a questions that refers to the image (what is the content? directions on what to do with the image)

  6. Image+Text-to-text:

  7. Image-to-image+text:

  8. Text-to-image+text: Ask a question that is answered with explaining pictures

  9. Image+Text-to-image+text:

JensLe97 commented 2 months ago

Google Colab: T4 GPU Image 3 hours and 30 minutes

JensLe97 commented 2 months ago 22 Free GPU hours per month