Jeon-ChanYoung / AutoClicker-for-Android-studio

This is an auto-clicker sample made by Android Studio.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Open raphaassistant opened 2 months ago

raphaassistant commented 2 months ago

Thanks for working on this project! I love it. Please keep working on this app more. Finish it and publish on Fdroid and Play store as an open source app. You'll get a lot of users!

raphaassistant commented 2 months ago

Could you make it click system navigation buttons? Back and Home buttons?

Jeon-ChanYoung commented 2 months ago

Thank you. but I'm working on something else. I hope you can look over my project and find it useful for your own app.

raphaassistant commented 2 months ago

I've been playing with your app in Android Studio. I wanted to make it able to click the navigation buttons, and I was able to do it. But there was something else I wanted to do, but I just couldn't imagine how to do it.

I want the coordinate widget to be movable during autoclicking. I understand that the view must have FLAG_NOT_TOUCHABLE in order to click. So I think I want to make a loop to set this flag just right before clicking and un-set right after clicking.

What do you think is the best place to make this loop? May I ask to see how you'd do it? You're the only one who can teach me :(

Jeon-ChanYoung commented 2 months ago

I got what you said, but it seems hard to make it. I'll figure it out though.