JepKri21 / ROB6-Bachelor-Project

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Describe step by step of our setup of a production line #36

Open Skepingawich opened 4 months ago

Skepingawich commented 4 months ago

Preferably including a nice sketch of the setup

Step 1: Have a magazine (of a single tub, no lid). Step 2: A set of 4 Xbots can grab a full tub from the magazine and start the process. These will have to be able to lift the tub down from the magazine. Step 3: 4 Xbots are used to de-nest the nest from the tub (All it has to do is insert some hook into the nest and lift it up. It should NOT move it anywhere, only up and down. Step 4: The tub has to be moved away from underneath the nest (the 4 xBots from step 2). Step 5: A new type of carrier (also using 4 Xbots) has to move underneath the "open" nest. Step 6: The 4 Xbots used for de-nesting then drop the nest back down onto the new carrier. Step 7: An xbot is then used to push a single line of 10 syringes up above the other syringes (for better access) Step 8: A set of xbots are then used to grab all 10 syringes and pull them up from the nest. Step 9: These 10 syringes then have to be moved to another xbot which can hold all 10 on a line (1 xbot could have a line of 10 on each side, so 4 lines on 1 xbot). This has to be designed in a way such that the syringes have their bottoms hanging out to the sides so that weighing is possible. Step 10: The Xbot with the sets of 10 syringes will then move to a filling station.

Note: If the xbot has 4 lines, one on each side. Then you could have all the other stations move in around it. So you first have filling on one side (where the first 10 are filled), then the xbot rotates and those 10 can be weighed while the next 10 are filled. if one hasn't been filled correctly then it can rotate back and fill whatever is needed. It rotates again and the third station could then insert a stopper. Potentially you could then have a fourth visual inspection station (before capping or after capping). Then all the stations could move away and the xbot with the syringes can move to the next step (not the 11th step).

Step 11: Here a set of 1-2 xbots will fill the syringes up. Step 12: Next step is the weighing, here a single xbot with a load-cell could move under each syringe and weigh it Step 13: Next, a set of xbots will insert a stopper (it is good that we can do this very close to the filling station) Step 14: The xbot with the syringes will then move away from the stations and enter a re-nesting station. Here each line will be put into the nest that they were taken out of. This could be done with the same type of setup that was used to de-nest a single line. Step 15: The last step would then be to re-insert the filled nest into the tub from step 1