Closed rsbivand closed 1 year ago
This package has strong dependence on at least one of rgdal
, rgeos
or maptools
, but does not seem to use any functionality in code. The usage may have been in raster
, which now uses terra
instead, or may be in examples or vignettes. Please move all use of rgdal
, rgeos
or maptools
to Suggests: and protect any use against these packages not being present. The packages will be archived in October 2023. See and and perhaps view
Please also see, fix best by June, latest October 2023.
Removing retiring packages from DESCRIPTION, NAMESPACE and spurious roxygen tags, and running CMD check in a scenario using sp evolution status 2 (substitute use of rgdal with sf for projection/transformation/CRS) and absence of retiring packages from the library path gives this log:
@JepsonNomad See also Please take urgent steps to resolve this issue. No positive changes appear in the repository. Less than three months remain to retain this package on CRAN.
@JepsonNomad Less than three weeks remain to fix this.
@JepsonNomad R spatial infrastructure packages maptools, rgdal and rgeos will be archived by CRAN on Monday, October 16, 2023. Your package does not pass CMD check when these packages are not available. Expect your package to be archived by CRAN October 17-18 as CRAN checks feed through and your package fails, if not updated by Monday, October 16, 2023.
No grace period is anticipated, as you have had sufficient time to update your package to remove dependencies on maptools, rgdal and/or rgeos. It remains the case that many packages importing the raster package needlessly depend on retiring packages, as raster stopped using them a year ago.
Package updated! Thanks for all your work @rsbivand
Thanks for your cooperation!
This package depends on (depends, imports or suggests) raster and one or more of the retiring packages rgdal, rgeos or maptools ( Since raster
, all use of external FOSS library functionality has been transferred to terra, making the retiring packages very likely redundant. It would help greatly if you could remove dependencies on the retiring packages as soon as possible.