JereMIbq1995 / JeremyVersionControl

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Weird revert error on my PC #1

Open JereMIbq1995 opened 1 year ago

JereMIbq1995 commented 1 year ago

When reverting from version 26 back to version 0, there is a weird error:

PS C:\Users\Jeremy Duong\Projects\SeniorProject> jvc revert 0 fout failed .\Documentation\SRSv1.0.pdf Blob does not exist or failed to open file HEAD is updated to version 0: 'Initial save'


Based on the error message, it looks like there is a problem with the CreateFileFromBlob() function inside JvcDao.h The objReader was trying to read the old blob and write to the file. The old blob was read successfully but the file could not be opened. I should investigate this when I have the time.

JereMIbq1995 commented 1 year ago

July 16th: When I run the revert today from version 26 back to version 0, error doesn't happen. It seems that all of a sudden filestream out decide to work for Documentation/SRSv1.0.pdf

What creates the inconsistency between the 2 instances?

JereMIbq1995 commented 1 year ago

Maybe I should think of an error-recovery mechanics. currently if 1 file fails to read, all the other files will continute being read. However, in the context of version control, if 1 file fails to revert, the revert should be canceled, which means that the state of the repository should go back to what it was right before the revert command was executed.