Jeremy-Gstein / C-Inspect

A simple WoW addon that will inspect friendly players upon pressing Control + Left Mouse Click.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Ctrl key awkward experience #4

Open ghost opened 1 year ago

ghost commented 1 year ago

Pressing CTRL key multiple times or holding it while inspecting someone keeps spamming the window on and off (most of the time). Other times nothing happens at all and window wont open again Something is very weird here because JUST pressing Ctrl key should not do anything. Ideally, user should press Ctrl + LEFT CLICK (the click is the action that inspects target). If user presses Ctrl, no action is done, until another left click.

Also, it would be great to have a setting to change keybind from Ctrl+click to something else on keyboard.

Thank you

Jeremy-Gstein commented 1 year ago

Hello, To ensure your C-Inspect AddOn is the most recent version, would you mind posting the contents of C-Inspects.toc file? This can be found where your WoW installation is located on your drive. (Usually the following path or similar) ../Worldof/Warcraft/_retail_/Interface/AddOns/C-inspect/C-Inspect.toc

The latest update for DF had some changes made to the logic for calling the C-Inspect function. However, I’ve been also noticing some unexpected behavior and have had 2 ‘crashes’ occur that resulted in having to disable the AddOn entirely before the WoW client would accept any input.

Currently, there is no way to target a player with WoW’s API. This raises the need to have the player targeted before making the API call to bring up inspect menu. To get around this we use left click (default target key-bind) on the inspect-target but no API call is made until the user presses CTRL key. – With this in mind, I would like to try out and do some testing with your idea of listening for a Left-Click instead.

As for the request to change key-binds, I agree this would be a great addition though only the CTRL key could be changed with current state of targeting limitations in the API.

Thanks so much for submitting feedback and being a supporter of the C-Inspect Project! (= Changes will be made on test-branch and any updates will be posted to this open issue.


ghost commented 1 year ago

Thanks for getting back so soon! Unfortunately I deleted the addon for now as it was too unpredictable but I can tell you that I downloaded through curseforge app, tested it right away, then posted this. So it "should" be the latest version as of writing this post.

Good to know about requiring a target, im sure that was partly the cause of my issues. Technically, option to change the keybind wont be necessary as long as the game ignores those extra CTRL clicks (as people tend to either spam or hold too long when a key is required to be held). While at same time, only listens to the left mouse click IF the CTRL button is pressed. That should be more predictable behavior as people (shouldnt) be spamming it.

And if they DO spam it - perhaps behavior should be to CLOSE the current inspect window, and re-open it fresh. To prevent any weird behavior. If that makes sense (i dont code sorry).

Ctrl + left mouse is comfortable (for me) so if all is working smooth then I dont see a need for optional re-bind.

Thank you!!