JeremyARussell / Lucida

Speech and Vision Based Intelligent Personal Assistant
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Back-end service encountered a problem #5

Open freedomtrain opened 5 years ago

freedomtrain commented 5 years ago

While adding a link or text to the learn page I receive an error

"Back-end service encountered a problem"

Wondering if you have seen this before ?

Are there any logs in lucida to check ?

Thanks !!!

JeremyARussell commented 5 years ago

This error indicates that the actual QA service (which is the service tied to learning text / link data, and question and answering) is not working correctly.

There aren't any logs as far as I've ran into or implemented myself (that's definitely in the list for the sequel), but you can attach to the tmux section after starting the server and services and use CTRL + B, {tmux window number} where tmux window number is the number associated with the various service windows, 0 should be the command center if everything is at the default settings and 2 should be hooked into the QA service. You can review those terminal sessions and get error output from the various services that way and there we should be able to get some more detailed information on exactly why the QA service isn't working right.

EmpireofKings commented 5 years ago

Make sure you install the latest version of indri and java to your server. Then move the updated, libindri_jni.jnilib , libindri.a , indri.jar to QuestionAnswering/OpenEphyra/lib/search . This will fix the problem.