JeremyDunn / php-fedex-api-wrapper

This library provides a fluid interface for constructing requests to the FedEx web service API.
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How to attach commercial invoice to a shipment? #103

Closed BelginFish closed 2 years ago

BelginFish commented 5 years ago

I see the example for uploading a document, but would it be possible to show an example of how to attach this to a RequestedShipment? I'm assuming you need to use the ShippingDocumentSpecification object.

ygzong commented 4 years ago

Hello, have you solved this problem?I have the same problem now, can you share the solution?thank you


senter-logistics commented 3 years ago


MarianMatys commented 3 years ago


pcualmac commented 3 years ago


pcualmac commented 3 years ago


MarianMatys commented 3 years ago

I've solved it

$CommercialInvoice = new ComplexType\CommercialInvoice();
        $FreightCharge = new ComplexType\Money([
            'Currency' => 'USD',
            'Amount' => $this->getShippingCostForInvoice()
            ->setPurpose(new SimpleType\PurposeOfShipmentType(SimpleType\PurposeOfShipmentType::_GIFT))
            //->setDeclarationStatement('bla bla');

$CustomsClearanceDetail = [
            'DutiesPayment' => new ComplexType\Payment([
                'PaymentType' => 'RECIPIENT', // valid values RECIPIENT, SENDER and THIRD_PARTY
            'DocumentContent' => 'NON_DOCUMENTS',
            'CustomsValue' => new ComplexType\Money([
                'Currency' => 'USD',
                'Amount' => $this->getContentSummaryValue()
            'Commodities' => $commodities,
            'ExportDetail' => new ComplexType\ExportDetail([
                'B13AFilingOption' => 'NOT_REQUIRED'
            'CommercialInvoice' => $CommercialInvoice

and then add

$requestedShipment->setCustomsClearanceDetail(new ComplexType\CustomsClearanceDetail(
pcualmac commented 3 years ago


$commodities ??????

MarianMatys commented 3 years ago
$commodities = array();
$totalItems = $this->getContentItemsTotalPcs();
$weightPerItem = round(($this->getTotalWeight()/$totalItems), 2);

foreach ($this->getContentItems() AS $row)
  $commodities[] = array(
      'NumberOfPieces' => 1,
      'Description' => Tools::removeUtf($row['description']),
      'CountryOfManufacture' => 'CN',
      'Weight' => array(
          'Units' => 'KG',
          'Value' => $weightPerItem
      'Quantity' => $row['quantity'],
      'QuantityUnits' => 'EA',
      'UnitPrice' => array(
          'Currency' => 'USD',
          'Amount' => round((float)($row['item_value']/$row['quantity']),2)
      'CustomsValue' => array(
          'Currency' => 'USD',
          'Amount' => round((float)($row['item_value']/$row['quantity']),2)
pcualmac commented 3 years ago

to @MarianMatys thanks.

pcualmac commented 3 years ago

I get object(FedEx\ShipService\ComplexType\ProcessShipmentReply)#1248 (2) { ["name":protected]=> string(20) "ProcessShipmentReply" ["values":protected]=> array(3) { ["HighestSeverity"]=> string(5) "ERROR" ["Notifications"]=> array(5) { [0]=> object(FedEx\ShipService\ComplexType\Notification)#1262 (2) { ["name":protected]=> string(12) "Notification" ["values":protected]=> array(5) { ["Severity"]=> string(5) "ERROR" ["Source"]=> string(4) "ship" ["Code"]=> string(4) "6566" ["Message"]=> string(51) "CommercialInvoice FreightCharges - Invalid currency" ["LocalizedMessage"]=> string(51) "CommercialInvoice FreightCharges - Invalid currency" } }


` $fedex_uk = config(''); $shipper_info = config('ukaddress'); $userCredential = new ComplexType\WebAuthenticationCredential(); $userCredential ->setKey($fedex_uk['FEDEX_KEY']) ->setPassword($fedex_uk['FEDEX_PASSWORD']);

    $webAuthenticationDetail = new ComplexType\WebAuthenticationDetail();
    $clientDetail = new ComplexType\ClientDetail();
    $version = new ComplexType\VersionId();
    $shipperAddress = new ComplexType\Address();
    $shipperContact = new ComplexType\Contact();
            $shipper_info['first_name'].' '.$shipper_info['last_name']
    $shipper = new ComplexType\Party();
    dump($fedex_uk, $shipper_info);
    $recipientAddress = new ComplexType\Address();
        ->setStreetLines(['Weitlingstraße 41'])
    $recipientContact = new ComplexType\Contact();
        ->setPersonName('Calogero Pumpignano')

    $recipient = new ComplexType\Party();

    $labelSpecification = new ComplexType\LabelSpecification();
        ->setLabelStockType(new SimpleType\LabelStockType(SimpleType\LabelStockType::_PAPER_7X4POINT75))
        ->setImageType(new SimpleType\ShippingDocumentImageType(SimpleType\ShippingDocumentImageType::_PDF))
        ->setLabelFormatType(new SimpleType\LabelFormatType(SimpleType\LabelFormatType::_COMMON2D));

    $packageLineItem1 = new ComplexType\RequestedPackageLineItem();
        ->setItemDescription('Product description')
        ->setDimensions(new ComplexType\Dimensions(array(
            'Width' => 10,
            'Height' => 10,
            'Length' => 25,
            'Units' => SimpleType\LinearUnits::_CM
        ->setWeight(new ComplexType\Weight(array(
            'Value' => 2,
            'Units' => SimpleType\WeightUnits::_KG

$shippingChargesPayor = new ComplexType\Payor();

$shippingChargesPayment = new ComplexType\Payment();

$requestedShipment = new ComplexType\RequestedShipment();
// dd(date('c'));
$requestedShipment->setDropoffType(new SimpleType\DropoffType(SimpleType\DropoffType::_REGULAR_PICKUP));
$requestedShipment->setServiceType(new SimpleType\ServiceType(SimpleType\ServiceType::_INTERNATIONAL_ECONOMY));
$requestedShipment->setPackagingType(new SimpleType\PackagingType(SimpleType\PackagingType::_FEDEX_BOX));
$requestedShipment->setRateRequestTypes(array(new SimpleType\RateRequestType(SimpleType\RateRequestType::_PREFERRED)));

$processShipmentRequest = new ComplexType\ProcessShipmentRequest();

$CommercialInvoice = new ComplexType\CommercialInvoice();
$FreightCharge = new ComplexType\Money([
    'Currency' => 'GBP',
    'Amount' => 20.00
    ->setPurpose(new SimpleType\PurposeOfShipmentType(SimpleType\PurposeOfShipmentType::_SOLD))

$commodity[]= [
    'NumberOfPieces' => 1,
    'Description' =>'Testing Name',
    'CountryOfManufacture' => 'GB',
    'Weight' => [
        'Units' => 'KG',
        'Value' => 2
    'Quantity' => 1,
    'QuantityUnits' => 'EA',
    'UnitPrice' => [
        'Currency' => 'GBP',
        'Amount' => 20.00
    'CustomsValue' => array(
        'Currency' => 'GBP',
        'Amount' => 20.00
$CustomsClearanceDetail = [
    'DutiesPayment' => new ComplexType\Payment([
    'PaymentType' => 'RECIPIENT', // valid values RECIPIENT, SENDER and THIRD_PARTY
    // 'Payor' => new ComplexType\Payor([
    // 'ResponsibleParty' => new ComplexType\Party([
    // 'AccountNumber' => FEDEX_ACCOUNT_NUMBER, // OPTIONAL
    // 'Contact' => new ComplexType\Contact([]),
    // 'Address' => new ComplexType\Address([])
    // ])
    // ])
    'DocumentContent' => 'NON_DOCUMENTS',
    'CustomsValue' => new ComplexType\Money([
    'Currency' => 'GBP',
    'Amount' => 20.00
    'Commodities' => $commodity,
    'ExportDetail' => new ComplexType\ExportDetail([
    'B13AFilingOption' => 'NOT_REQUIRED'
    'CommercialInvoice' => $CommercialInvoice
$requestedShipment->setCustomsClearanceDetail(new ComplexType\CustomsClearanceDetail( $CustomsClearanceDetail ));

$shipService = new ShipService\Request();
$result = $shipService->getProcessShipmentReply($processShipmentRequest);



@BelginFish @MarianMatys @ygzong @e-hop @JeremyDunn

mikkame commented 3 years ago

@pcualmac you have to use 'UKL'. Not GBP Please read error message.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue is stale because it has been open for 30 days with no activity.

github-actions[bot] commented 2 years ago

This issue was closed because it has been inactive for 14 days since being marked as stale.