JeremyEnglert / JointsWP

A blank WordPress theme built with Foundation 6, giving you all the power and flexibility you need to build complex, mobile friendly websites without having to start from scratch.
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Browsersync reload browser before running styles #282

Closed ashussen closed 6 years ago

ashussen commented 6 years ago

I run gulp browsersync.

But unexpectedly it reloads the page before running the styles script. The most recent changes I made is not applied.

I need to either save it twice or reload the browser manually. How to reload the browser after it compiles the styles?

Here is the log:

Browsersync] Reloading Browsers...
[16:22:32] Starting 'styles'...
[Browsersync] 4 files changed (, login.css,, style.css)
[16:22:34] Finished 'styles' after 1.83 s
jackfearing commented 6 years ago


jackfearing commented 6 years ago

Just checking to see if anybody has solved this yet?

ashussen commented 6 years ago

Nope, hasn't been solved. Hence, the v5 is now officially published.

garretthyder commented 6 years ago

Can you share your gulpfile please

jackfearing commented 6 years ago

Sure -- attached is my gulpfile which I needed to convert to txt so I could upload to git.


garretthyder commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jackfearing, I don't code much gulp but from the documentation I don't see stream as an option on reload like the gulpfile has here;

     stream: true

In the browsersync doc they mention use of stream for css and reload for html file changes; Stream - Reload -

Following the documented example here; Can you try amending all instances of the reload stream code snippet I quoted above, I think it's in login and styles, with the following;


Let me know what your output is, and if that's the case I'll create a PR.

Cheers Another resource mentioning this .stream() function without the reload wrapping it was here;

jackfearing commented 6 years ago

Unfortunately I still see same issue. Is there something else I could try? Attached is my revised gulp file if that helps...

garretthyder commented 6 years ago

Sorry @jackfearing that's frustrating. The stream shouldn't reload the browser but instead just inject the css. If that's not happening maybe try debug logging to get more verbose information.

But I found several other similar threads saying might be permissions, etc. Or maybe just instead of stream do a reload to force reload as the inject doesn't seem to work.

Some threads to go through and attempt;

I saw @JeremyEnglert on one, Jeremy did you have any luck with your issue as it seems similar.


jackfearing commented 6 years ago

Thanks -- for the force reload, are you taking about just loading the browser manually or is there a force reload browser sync snippet?

jackfearing commented 6 years ago

Garrett - do you think the issue could be caused by browser caching?

garretthyder commented 6 years ago

@jackfearing for switching to reload over stream try switching .pipe(; to .pipe(browserSync.reload());

garretthyder commented 6 years ago

As to browser caching I don't believe the Header tags get injected when using Browsersync but had to say. You can try a manual reload but that defeats the purpose. Are you doing this locally or on a server? Might want to check those threads specifically for the permissions issue as that's been mentioned as a problem.

Other than that updating to latest gulp, browsersync and browser (chrome, etc) might work. But I'm at a loss beyond that sadly

jackfearing commented 6 years ago

Not sure if tis is the solution but I did try disabling Chrome's browser cache and the issue goes away. I would probably need a 3rd party with the same issue to verify. If that works I'm wondering if there is a gulp setting and/or plugin that would do the job rather than having to go into each browser and adjusting the setting.

Select the “Menu” button in the upper-right corner, then select “More tools” > “Developer tools“. You can also get to this screen by pressing Ctrl + Shift + I for Windows and Linux or Command + Option + I for Mac OS X. The Dev Tools window appears. Select “Network”, Check the “Disable cache” box.


garretthyder commented 6 years ago

Thanks @jackfearing so it is a browser caching thing. I read a few things about it being known or looked at by BrowserSync but that was in 2015 so not sure if corrected. Maybe update your version of browsersync?

The other thought was in the BrowserSync init where you disabled notify maybe set injectChanges to true;

jackfearing commented 6 years ago

That seems to work in Chrome. Maybe the issue is Safari and caching... regardless I think this is a good solution for now. Thanks for all your help!

garretthyder commented 6 years ago

Awesome glad to hear you're working. Now we'll just need @ashussen to confirm

ashussen commented 6 years ago

Hi Garret, Jack,

Thank you for sparing some time to look at this. But it still doesn't work in my case. I have always ticked the 'Disable cache' on chrome, also I tried some changes you suggest. -> turns out exactly the same browserSync.reload() -> show an error "Can't pipe to undefined"

I think the problem is BrowserSync try to reload the browser before the styles been compiled. See below is the log I have when running BrowserSync:

[Browsersync] Reloading Browsers...
[12:03:56] Starting 'styles'...
[Browsersync] 4 files changed (, login.css,, style.css)
[12:03:58] Finished 'styles' after 2.06 s
garretthyder commented 6 years ago

Can you share your Gulpfile @ashussen and I'll see if there's anything unique with yours. Cheers

ashussen commented 6 years ago

@garrett-eclipse No, nothing different with my Gulpfile.js. I just tried it again yesterday with a fresh install from the master branch.

I managed to get it working, and doing some improvements for my workflow. But the main problem is the browser reloaded, then there is a few seconds gap from the page loaded and 'Connected to BrowserStack' process. Eventually, the process happens in the few seconds gap then no changes are seen on the first reload.

My fix is, removing the first reload, and just let do the CSS injection. I removed the files on the first parameters on browserSync.init().

            proxy: LOCAL_URL,
garretthyder commented 6 years ago

Nice @ashussen I'm glad it's working for you now. I'll leave this ticket to @JeremyEnglert to review and see if the master gulpfile.js requires a modification. Cheers

jackfearing commented 6 years ago

So @ashussen, basically the css is injecting without refresh but you still have the issue of the page not reloading -- correct?

jackfearing commented 6 years ago

One thing you might want to try is adding a reloadDelay to the browserSync.init like so. It seems to work with the 'files' parameter in the function.

browserSync.init(files, { proxy: LOCAL_URL, notify: false, injectChanges: true, // Open the site in Chrome & Firefox //browser: ["google chrome", "firefox"], reloadDelay: 250, });

ashussen commented 6 years ago

@jackfearing Yes. My current solution is in these 3 cases:

Works fine for me. Thanks for your suggestion for the delay. I will try the code.

Also, I noticed, that the Image minified is buggy as well. If you run browsersync, then paste a new image on assets/images folder. Then unlimited loop on runs on browsersync.

jackfearing commented 6 years ago

Can you post your working gulp file so I could compare with mine?

ashussen commented 6 years ago

Hi @jackfearing,

Here is gist for my gulpfile.js

garretthyder commented 6 years ago

I think the styles not injecting/reloading is due to this outdated format in the styles section;

    stream: true

I suggest replacing with either the new stream call or the reload without stream params; stream - .pipe(; reload - .pipe(browserSync.reload());

Hope that's of some help

ashussen commented 6 years ago

@garrett-eclipse Thanks for your suggestion, but as I mentioned before. I tried both cases, but no luck on those.

marc-squarewave commented 6 years ago

I was having the same issue. Commenting out SOURCE.styles in the files array helped for me. Isn't it redundant to watch styles since we're also watching and processing the SCSS which is nested in /styles?

`// Browser-Sync watch files and inject changes gulp.task('browsersync', function() {

// Watch these files
var files = [

browserSync.init(files, {
    proxy: LOCAL_URL,
});, gulp.parallel('styles'));, gulp.parallel('scripts')).on('change', browserSync.reload);, gulp.parallel('images'));


jackfearing commented 6 years ago

Tagging up on m72 comment above, below is my latest gulp file which seems to do the trick. All the styles get injected rather then having the page reload however if the page / templates are changed, only then does the page reload.

`// GULP PACKAGES // Most packages are lazy loaded var gulp = require('gulp'), gutil = require('gulp-util'), browserSync = require('browser-sync').create(), filter = require('gulp-filter'), plugin = require('gulp-load-plugins')();

// GULP VARIABLES // Modify these variables to match your project needs

// Set local URL if using Browser-Sync const LOCAL_URL = 'http://your_site_here';

// Set path to Foundation files const FOUNDATION = 'node_modules/foundation-sites';

// Select Foundation components, remove components project will not use const SOURCE = { scripts: [ // Lets grab what-input first 'node_modules/what-input/dist/what-input.js',

    // Foundation core - needed if you want to use any of the components below
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.core.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.util.*.js',

    // Pick the components you need in your project
    //FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.abide.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.accordion.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.accordionMenu.js',
    //FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.drilldown.js',
    //FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.dropdown.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.dropdownMenu.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.equalizer.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.interchange.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.smoothScroll.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.magellan.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.offcanvas.js',
    //FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.orbit.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.responsiveMenu.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.responsiveToggle.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.reveal.js',
    //FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.slider.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.sticky.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.tabs.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.responsiveAccordionTabs.js',
    //FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.toggler.js',
    //FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.tooltip.js',
    FOUNDATION + '/dist/js/plugins/foundation.util.motion.js',

    // Place custom JS here, files will be concantonated, minified if ran with --production

    // Exclude scripts in the JS folder by placing an ! in front of the directory path
    // Re-run "npm run scripts" or "npm run build"
    // Then re-run "npm run browsersync"

// Scss files will be concantonated, minified if ran with --production
styles: 'assets/styles/scss/**/*.scss',

// Scss files will be concantonated, minified if ran with --production
login: 'assets/styles/scss/login.scss',

// Images placed here will be optimized
images: 'assets/images/**/*',

php: '**/*.php'


const ASSETS = { styles: 'assets/styles/', login: 'assets/styles/', scripts: 'assets/scripts/', images: 'assets/images/', all: 'assets/' };

const JSHINT_CONFIG = { "node": true, "globals": { "document": true, "jQuery": true } };

// GULP FUNCTIONS // JSHint, concat, and minify JavaScript gulp.task('scripts', function() {

// Use a custom filter so we only lint custom JS
const CUSTOMFILTER = filter(ASSETS.scripts + 'js/**/*.js', {restore: true});

return gulp.src(SOURCE.scripts)
    .pipe(plugin.plumber(function(error) {
        presets: ['es2015'],
        compact: true,
        ignore: ['what-input.js']
    .pipe(plugin.sourcemaps.write('.')) // Creates sourcemap for minified JS


// Compile Sass, Autoprefix and minify gulp.task('styles', function() { return gulp.src(SOURCE.styles) .pipe(plugin.plumber(function(error) { gutil.log(; this.emit('end'); })) .pipe(plugin.sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin.sass()) .pipe(plugin.autoprefixer({ browsers: [ 'last 2 versions', 'ie >= 9', 'ios >= 7' ], cascade: false })) .pipe(plugin.cssnano()) .pipe(plugin.sourcemaps.write('.')) .pipe(gulp.dest(ASSETS.styles)) .pipe(; });

// Compile Sass (Login), Autoprefix and minify gulp.task('login', function() { return gulp.src(SOURCE.login) .pipe(plugin.plumber(function(error) { gutil.log(; this.emit('end'); })) .pipe(plugin.sourcemaps.init()) .pipe(plugin.sass()) .pipe(plugin.autoprefixer({ browsers: ['last 2 versions'], cascade: false })) .pipe(plugin.cssnano()) .pipe(plugin.sourcemaps.write('.')) .pipe(gulp.dest(ASSETS.styles)) .pipe(; });

// Optimize images, move into assets directory gulp.task('images', function() { return gulp.src(SOURCE.images) .pipe(plugin.newer(ASSETS.images)) .pipe(plugin.imagemin()) .pipe(gulp.dest(ASSETS.images)) });

gulp.task( 'translate', function () { return gulp.src( SOURCE.php ) .pipe(plugin.wpPot( { domain: 'jointswp', package: 'Example project' } )) .pipe(gulp.dest('file.pot')); });

// Browser-Sync watch files and inject changes gulp.task('browsersync', function() {

// Watch these files (add SOURCE VARS below to var files for full reload instead on injecting)
var files = [
// If the files, is removed the page would reload but the scripts will inject via browser.sync stream
browserSync.init(files, {
    proxy: LOCAL_URL,
    notify: false,
    injectChanges: true,
    // Open the site in Chrome & Firefox
    //browser: ["google chrome", "firefox"],
    reloadDelay: 250,
});, gulp.parallel('styles'));, gulp.parallel('login'));, gulp.parallel('scripts')).on('change', browserSync.reload);, gulp.parallel('images'));


// Watch files for changes (without Browser-Sync) gulp.task('watch', function() {

// Watch .scss files, gulp.parallel('styles'));

// Watch .scss files, gulp.parallel('login'));

// Watch scripts files, gulp.parallel('scripts'));

// Watch images files, gulp.parallel('images'));


// Run styles, scripts and foundation-js gulp.task('default', gulp.parallel('styles', 'login', 'scripts', 'images'));`

MrSpecific commented 6 years ago

+1 for @m72 's solution - I was experiencing the same behavior as OP, and this fixed it for me. Thank you!

garretthyder commented 6 years ago

Thanks everyone, I've created PR #303 to correct this. As I don't have an instance of this issue can I get some testers/reviewers from this thread to look at it please. I removed styles, scripts and images as they're all watched individually after the init so shouldn't need to be doubled down, I've left php as it's not watched specifically outside of init.

JeremyEnglert commented 6 years ago

Thanks everyone!

@garrett-eclipse's PR has been merged into the master branch.