JeremyEnglert / JointsWP

A blank WordPress theme built with Foundation 6, giving you all the power and flexibility you need to build complex, mobile friendly websites without having to start from scratch.
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Foundation 6.6 #414

Open bastitch opened 4 years ago

bastitch commented 4 years ago

Is JointsWP still being updated? I see some open conversations from over a year ago about where to take the theme but nothing ever concluded. With Foundation 6.6 out now, is it going to be pulled into Joints?

k33n8nc commented 4 years ago

Would be great! FoundationPress is no longer maintained, this could be an advantage.

bastitch commented 4 years ago

@Baggio89 That's actually how I ended up here, due to needing a replacement for FoundationPress. Not really wanting to switch to Bootstrap (understrap), but they are definitely a lot more active and responsive over there.

bastitch commented 4 years ago

@JeremyEnglert I'm guessing that's a no then?

mushbrain666 commented 4 years ago


JeremyEnglert commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone!

I'll update JWP to include Foundation 6.6 tonight.

However, with Foundation slowly fizzling out, it will not be included in the next version of JWP. The next version of JWP is pretty bad ass and can be found here (still a work in progress):

bastitch commented 4 years ago

@JeremyEnglert It seemed there for a bit Foundation was definitely fizzling out, but it just switched hands from Zurb to a community opensource group, which is why 6.6 was finally released. It looks like it may actually survive an continue on with the community version. I just took a quick look at the JWP6-dev, if it doesn't have Foundation, what framework will it use? From what I see it looks like it doesn't use any framework at all, and just has a bare bones grid to start off of?

JeremyEnglert commented 4 years ago

@JeremyEnglert It seemed there for a bit Foundation was definitely fizzling out, but it just switched hands from Zurb to a community opensource group, which is why 6.6 was finally released. It looks like it may actually survive an continue on with the community version.

I'm aware. I helped with the transition. But after some recent changes to the transition, I don't have high hopes the project will continue to be maintained at the same levels it was in the past.

JWP6 won't have any framework. With how easy it is to use NPM now, it almost makes more sense to import modules as needed instead of using a full blown framework. That's the direction the project is moving.

squidzink commented 4 years ago

I am here for the same reason Baggio89 is: Looking for a Foundation starter theme to replace FP. I've looked at Sage as well, but honestly, I can't start at ground zero "blank." I'm really a designer that knows enough PHP and JS to get in trouble. SASS/CSS are my game. I need something like a JointsWP or FoundationPress that has that core stuff already (mobile responsive nav, in particular, I don't want to craft from scratch).

So, just want to be clear before opting to abandon looking at JointsWP – you don't feel the spinoff of Foundation will result in forward movement and JointsWP will die, with regards to Foundation?

It feels kinda like the 90's when it looked like Apple was going down hard and I'd have to abandon Mac. Foundation is much more comfy than Bootstrap. But maybe I have to catch the wave that's breaking instead of paddling for ankle snappers.

JeremyEnglert commented 4 years ago

JointsWP 5 will continue to support Foundation 6.

JointsWP 6 will be framework independent.

If a Foundation 7 ever comes out, maybe I'll think about adding it back to JWP. But I wouldn't hold my breath.

Foundation served its purpose. But now there is much better frameworks available. Hell, I recently had to use Bootstrap on a client project (dumb spec) and it was actually enjoyable to work with. Less buggy than F6.

I'll always love Foundation. But in its current state, you're better off looking for alternatives if you need a framework. FoundationPress didn't deprecate for no reason - they saw this coming as well.

JeremyEnglert commented 4 years ago

Here's some feedback from a user beta testing the framework free version of JWP..

"Starting without a framework is probably one of the best feelings I’ve had in my web development career - I didn’t realize how encumbered I felt by having to choose “the right framework,” learn and work within that framework, and fight against it for all of the ways our designs differed from the framework’s opinions. Totally in love with the blank-slate approach!"

bastitch commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone!

I'll update JWP to include Foundation 6.6 tonight.

However, with Foundation slowly fizzling out, it will not be included in the next version of JWP.

@JeremyEnglert Thanks for taking the time to update to 6.6, and I look forward to trying out the new JWP6 when I have some time to experiment with it. When do you think the JWP5 Foundation 6.6 will be updated?

squidzink commented 4 years ago

@JeremyEnglert can you elaborate a little the process you referred to leveraging NPM and "modules?" My main reason for frameworks is the general mobile responsive structures/tools/components they provide via sass (grids, breakpoint controls, buttons, modals), and in particular prefab mobile responsive menus that I don't have to build but can alter if necessary. I was looking at Sage as an alternative, with which one can use a variety of frameworks or none. However, it is so "blank" that I'd have to truly create my own base starter theme layout, menu and such.

Without a framework and your upcoming v6, what is the process to have a base set up for oneself? Is it that I'd have to create all that stuff – menu, general layout rules, etc? Can those things be popped in a "modules?"

Sorry for all the questions. I'm just not really a developer, my creative action is design rather than building a robot I can use repeatedly. The robot existed already (FoundationPress or JointWP) I get out the airbrush and do the custom paint, pop on new wheels and add a sunroof.

NRG-R9T commented 4 years ago

Hi everyone!

I'll update JWP to include Foundation 6.6 tonight.

However, with Foundation slowly fizzling out, it will not be included in the next version of JWP. The next version of JWP is pretty bad ass and can be found here (still a work in progress):

Looking forward. Keep it up, mate. I use JointsWP since years, left out 1 or 2 releases and would love to see 6.6 updated or contributing for test or something else, as I'm just rebuilding my sites with JointsWP5.

bastitch commented 4 years ago

I'll update JWP to include Foundation 6.6 tonight.

Hey @JeremyEnglert, is updating to 6.6 still happening?

dantahoua commented 4 years ago

Hello! Come here also from FoundationPress, I need this kind of starter theme, so much fun to work with! Will it be updated to Foundation 6.6?

bastitch commented 4 years ago

@dantahoua I'm not sure when or if it will be updated, it's been almost 2 months from when @JeremyEnglert said he was going to update it that night. I think he must be very busy with other work right now. He also stated that in JointsWP6 there will be no Foundation or any other framework at all, but I've yet to play with that to understand how that works. In the meantime I've resorted to using bootstrap with the UnderStrap framework.

keeslina commented 3 years ago

I'm still running some projects on JoinstWP 5.0 . Any change the project can be upgraded to the latest version of foundation? (6.6.3 at the moment).

Would be great if someone can help me out here..

tohvanah commented 3 years ago

@keeslina If you're running npm install, first modify the package.json file to read "foundation-sites": "^6.6.3" on the appropriate line. That works for me currently when compiling a new theme. For an existing theme... I'm not 100%.

keeslina commented 3 years ago

@keeslina If you're running npm install, first modify the package.json file to read "foundation-sites": "^6.6.3" on the appropriate line. That works for me currently when compiling a new theme. For an existing theme... I'm not 100%.

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction! What I did to get it working:

  1. delete the complte node_modules directory
  2. edited the package.json file with the latest foundation version
  3. remove the package-lock.json and yarn.lock files
  4. run yarn install or npm install ( Only YARN got the job done).

Now everything works!