JeremyF5737 / Elder_Scrolls_Morrowind_Books

This is the Scrolling through scrolls project for the DIGIT400 class. This project deals with the analysis of the book items through three elder scrolls games (Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim). The goal of this project is to analyze the changes throughout the 3 games to the repeating books series such as (A Dance in Fire Chapters 1-7), where they are located, and if they give anything useful to the player. Another useful feature that this project would cover is a simplified lore/explanation of each book incase people do not understand the meaning or complicated words behind the writing.
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zoom meeting schedule #1

Open JeremyF5737 opened 3 years ago

JeremyF5737 commented 3 years ago

Salutations this is where meeting times are being posted If i Could get anybody to post when they are relatively free, or just post a schedule we could find a time for reoccurring meetings on zoom that i could create. I am going to upload my schedule (optional) just because my personal info isn't much of a security risk to myself. But for my schedule i am always free in the noon, and am just booked with lectures in the mornings.


Tricky-Keys commented 3 years ago

This is my class scedule and I am very available. I would like to have a groupme or or text chat too.

JeremyF5737 commented 3 years ago

We can go over that in the first meeting. I tried to add all of your emails to the groupme app but couldnt get it to work. Once we can come up with a meeting time we can share numbers or something. Also there is going to be plenty of books to keep track of so i am going to setup a google sheets/docs folder for us to share.

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

@JeremyF5737 @Tricky-Keys I'll be trying to make the rounds of all the teams to help get everyone off to a strong start, and come in strategically at various moments when you need me, though I may not be able to come to every meeting. I'll try to come to as many meetings as I can, but you all arrange these on your schedules! I'm available for evening meetings I think on MW and sometimes F. Usually T H afternoons / evenings are good. I can meet on Saturdays too.

It's good to meet and talk with your group every week to make sure everyone is on the same page, put out any fires, and make a clear plan where everyone can see it and stick with it. So we'll talk about this stuff more tomorrow in class! I'm going to recommend Slack as a good chat app to connect the teams, if you're willing to try it out!