JeremyF5737 / Elder_Scrolls_Morrowind_Books

This is the Scrolling through scrolls project for the DIGIT400 class. This project deals with the analysis of the book items through three elder scrolls games (Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim). The goal of this project is to analyze the changes throughout the 3 games to the repeating books series such as (A Dance in Fire Chapters 1-7), where they are located, and if they give anything useful to the player. Another useful feature that this project would cover is a simplified lore/explanation of each book incase people do not understand the meaning or complicated words behind the writing.
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The Morrowind repeated books #11

Open Tricky-Keys opened 3 years ago

Tricky-Keys commented 3 years ago

Morrowind Repeats

2920, v1-v12 Yellow Book of Great House Hlaalu A Dance of Fire, v1-v7 A Hypothetical Treachery Antecedents of Dwemer Law Ancestors of the Dunmer The Anticipations Arcana Restored The Arcturian Heresy The Armorer's Challenge The Art of War Magic The Axe Man Azura and the Box Biography of Queen Barenziah - Maybe a different name Biography of the Wolf Queen The Black Arrow Boethiah's Glory The Book of Daedra Book of Life and Service Book of Rest and Endings Breathing Water Brief History of the Empire The Brothers of Darkness Brown Book of 3E 426 The Buying Game The Cake and the Diamond Chance's Folly Charwich-Koniinge Letters Cherim's Heart of Anequina Children of the Sky Chimarvamidium Chronicles of Nchuleft A Dance in Fire Darkest Darkness The Doors of the Spirit The Dowry Feyfolken The Firmament The Firsthold Revolt The Five Far Stars Fragment: On Artaeum A Game at Dinner The Gold Ribbon of Merit Hallgerd's Tale Hanging Gardens of Wasten Coridale The Hope of the Redoran The House of Troubles A Hypothetical Treachery Ice and Chitin The Importance of Where Incident in Necrom Invocation of Azura Last Scabbard of Akrash The Legendary Scourge A Less Rude Song Lives of the Saints The Locked Room The Lunar Lorkhan The Lusty Argonian Maid The Madness of Pelagius Mages Guild Charter The Marksmanship Lesson Master Zoaraym's Tale The Mirror The Monomyth Mysterious Akavir Mystery of Talara N'Gasta! Kvata! Kvakis! Nchunak's Fire and Faith Night Falls On Sentinel Notes on Racial Phylogeny The Old Ways On Morrowind On Oblivion Origin of the Mages Guild Palla The Pig Children Poison Song The Posting of the Hunt The Ransom of Zarek The Real Barenziah The Rear Guard The Red Book of Riddles Response to Bero's Speech The Seed Sithis Song of the Alchemists Spirit of the Daedra Surfeit of Thieves Tamrielic Lore The Third Door Trap The True Nature of Orcs The True Noble's Code Varieties of Faith in the Empire Vernaccus and Bourlor The Warrior's Charge The Waters of Oblivion The Wild Elves Withershins The Wolf Queen Words and Philosophy Words of Clan Mother Ahnissi Words of the Wind The Wraith's Wedding Dowry The Yellow Book of Riddles


All listed books are repeated in either Skyrim and/or Oblivion