JeremyF5737 / Elder_Scrolls_Morrowind_Books

This is the Scrolling through scrolls project for the DIGIT400 class. This project deals with the analysis of the book items through three elder scrolls games (Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim). The goal of this project is to analyze the changes throughout the 3 games to the repeating books series such as (A Dance in Fire Chapters 1-7), where they are located, and if they give anything useful to the player. Another useful feature that this project would cover is a simplified lore/explanation of each book incase people do not understand the meaning or complicated words behind the writing.
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Searchable Input #21

Open ebeshero opened 3 years ago

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

How many times is an X mentioned? In what passages in the books? (retrieve passages) (surrounding paragraph?) (chapter?)

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

In the markup: You're tracking relevant game intel from "the lore" about Morrowind.


Only use @ref when the text contents of the element do not match what is on the canonical listing files.

<writer listed="yes" ref="#carlovac">Carlovac </writer>

Some sample XPath for example:

 //writer[substring-after(@ref, '#') = $authorList//author/@xml:id]


These lists include:

      <author xml:id="carlovac">
               <name>Carlovac Townway</name>
      <author xml:id="carlovac">Carlovac Townway</author>
      . . . 
