JeremyF5737 / Elder_Scrolls_Morrowind_Books

This is the Scrolling through scrolls project for the DIGIT400 class. This project deals with the analysis of the book items through three elder scrolls games (Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim). The goal of this project is to analyze the changes throughout the 3 games to the repeating books series such as (A Dance in Fire Chapters 1-7), where they are located, and if they give anything useful to the player. Another useful feature that this project would cover is a simplified lore/explanation of each book incase people do not understand the meaning or complicated words behind the writing.
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Project Feedback #23

Open ebeshero opened 3 years ago

ebeshero commented 3 years ago

Leave your post-Showcase feedback for Morrowind Project Team here!

haggis78 commented 3 years ago

Hi -- Dr. Campbell from Pitt-Greensburg here. I just wanted to say that your XSLT for generating the books is very impressive. I'll have to spend some time tracing through it to see how it all works. Good job.

dxh405 commented 3 years ago

Like Dr. Campbell said, your xslt is really impressive. There is an insane amount of work put into it shows. The amount of pages and tables the texts are organized in is really really cool. The only suggestion I have is possibly some easier colors on the eyes, but that really is not much of an issue as that's just a personal thing.

PiperBaron commented 3 years ago

The scope of your project is very impressive! I think it's so awesome that you guys were able to work on such a large amount of documents so effectively. Your website is pretty intuitive to use, and I really liked the color scheme. The only suggestion I have would be to possible break up the Librarium's tables of items, locations, etc. into separate pages, because the page is pretty long and takes a while to scroll through. Overall, though, great job!!

MasonG27 commented 3 years ago

Hi there guys! Abosolutely love your project because im a big ol fan of the elder scrolls series. Its an amazing world full of lore and books that you can get lost in and you guys highlighted just that with the scope of your project. Although your project was on a massive scale I think you guys handled it very well and successfully organized it with the use of your tables. My only suggestion really would be to add a picture of a book and its text just because its always nice to give your audience a visual as im sure most people have not seen a book from the elder scrolls series. I think the best spot would be in the methodology section. Overall, great job though! :D

Scarlett-Lion commented 3 years ago

Hey I'm a big fan of the elder scrolls series, so when I saw your project on the project showcase schedule, I knew I just had to see your presentation. And you didn't disappoint. To not only have all the books that where in Skyrim: Morrowind but to also go further and make section for items, groups, and people, couldn't have been easy. Though the webpage lack any imagery. It doesn't scream elder scrolls. Additionally, the link for the Hypnotoad Long Sleeve T-Shirt that was next to the citation link was out of place. The librarium page felt like I was looking at a jeopardy board. Also, having to tilt my head for all the graphs in the web pages was an annoyance, not to mention the graphs were white and colored which didn't make sense because the white bars weren't lined up, so I have no idea what the colored bars are for vs the white bars in the bar graphs. I'm going to guess the white bars are the total of all the items. The use of numbers on the graphs would have help but if it was a decision on your page because off time that's ok. All in all, you did a great job.