JeremyF5737 / Elder_Scrolls_Morrowind_Books

This is the Scrolling through scrolls project for the DIGIT400 class. This project deals with the analysis of the book items through three elder scrolls games (Morrowind, Oblivion, and Skyrim). The goal of this project is to analyze the changes throughout the 3 games to the repeating books series such as (A Dance in Fire Chapters 1-7), where they are located, and if they give anything useful to the player. Another useful feature that this project would cover is a simplified lore/explanation of each book incase people do not understand the meaning or complicated words behind the writing.
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Book example from skyrim #3

Open JeremyF5737 opened 3 years ago

JeremyF5737 commented 3 years ago

Salutations everyone. Here is an example of what i planned on doing for the project. I will have to create a RelaxNG that would be compatable with every single xml file, which can be done in a future group meeting. Anyways the code is within the code tab of this repository, so feel free to look at it any time and provide feedback.

link :

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

An Accounting of the Scrolls The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Locations College of Winterhold, it can only be bought from Urag gro-Shub as part of the quest, Elder Knowledge. After the supposed theft of an Elder Scroll from our Imperial Library, I endeavored to find any sort of index or catalogue of the Scrolls in our possession so that such situations may be avoided (or at least properly verified) in the future. To my dismay, I discovered that the Moth Priests are notoriously inexact when it comes to the actual physical manifestations of the Scrolls, and had no idea how many they held, or how they were organized. Merely asking the question evoked chuckles, as if a child was asking why dogs cannot talk. I will confess, my jealousy of the ones who can read the Scrolls grows, but I am not yet willing to sacrifice my sight to alleged knowledge. The older Moth Priests I attempt to engage in conversation seem as batty as any other elder who has lost their mind, so I fail to see what wisdom is imparted from the reading. In any case, I set out to create my own index of the Elder Scrolls, in cooperation with the monks. Day by day, we went through the tower halls, with them telling me the general nature of each Elder Scroll so that I might record its location. Always careful never to glimpse the writings myself, I had only their word to go on. I meticulously drew out a map of the chambers, where Scrolls relating to various specific prophecies were located, where particular periods of history were housed. In all, it took nearly a year of plodding, but at last I had rough notes on the entirety of the library to begin my collation. It was here that things began to go amiss. In studying my notes, I found many areas of overlap and outright contradiction. In some cases different monks would claim the same scroll to be at opposite ends of the tower. I know they have no taste for jesting, or else I would suspect I was being made the fool in some game of theirs. I spoke to one of the older monks to relate my concerns, and he hung his head in sorrow for my wasted time. "Did I not tell you," he coughed, "when you started this that all efforts would be futile? The Scrolls do not exist in countable form." "I had thought you meant there were too many to be counted." "There are, but that is not the least of their complexities. Turn to the repository behind you, and tell me how many Scrolls are locked therein." I ran my fingers over the metal casings, tallying each rounded edge that they encountered. I turned back -- "Fourteen," I said. "Hand me the eighth one," he said, reaching out his hand. I guided the cylinder into his palm, and he gave a slight nod to acknowledge it. "Now, count again." Humoring him, I again passed my hands over the Scrolls, but could not believe what I was feeling. "Now... now there are eighteen!" I gasped. The old monk chuckled, his cheeks pushing up his blindfold until it folded over itself. "And in fact," he said, "there always were." It was then that I enrolled as the oldest novice ever accepted into the Cult of the Ancestor Moth. Appearances The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim The Elder Scrolls Online (As An Accounting of the Elder Scrolls. The books are distinguishable only by title) 000ED03A