JeremyHeleine / Photo-Sphere-Viewer

A JavaScript library to display Photo Sphere panoramas.
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Create a helper to change picture easily #49

Closed AdrienPoupa closed 5 years ago

AdrienPoupa commented 8 years ago

Can you create a helper similar to what mistic100 did in his fork?

So you can simply call to setPanorama to change picture.

.setPanorama(path [, position] [, transition]) -> Promise

Loads a new panorama image, optionnally changing the camera position and activating or not the transition animation.

    longitude: Math.PI,
    latitude: 0

JeremyHeleine commented 8 years ago


It's a feature already planned. Just need some time to implement it, along other features.

AdrienPoupa commented 8 years ago

That's good to hear! Let me know if I may be of any help.