JeremyLeland / SectorC37

A top-down space shooting game
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Add battle damage to ships and rocks #28

Open JeremyLeland opened 2 years ago

JeremyLeland commented 2 years ago

Maybe a radial gradient from light to dark? As entity gets more damaged, the outside gets darker?

Or maybe the whole color gets darker evenly.

JeremyLeland commented 2 years ago

Maybe add translucent dark circles (“burns”) and random string of lines (“cracks”). Could just draw these on top of ship (how to keep them from drawing outside ship bounds? Some sort of mask?)

JeremyLeland commented 2 years ago

Fill shapes with multiple translucent radial gradients (centered at each "burn") Maybe that's too slow, but I'm trying to avoid drawing outside ship boundary.

Was there a "colorburn" blending mode?

JeremyLeland commented 2 years ago

Another possible aspect of this: actually break up the bodyPath as it takes damage? (Take out a triangle from the path, create debris from this path and hurl outward?) That way, we are actually blowing chunks off the ships instead of just spawning triangles everywhere. Could be cool.

JeremyLeland commented 1 year ago

I'm liking whole entity getting darker as an indication of life level. Can we use a filter (e.g. grayscale or sepia) for this, or will that be really slow?